Chapter 12

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We need to find a good place to rune-travel. Somewhere preferably, without the chances of dying.

We all got to our feet and looked at it and let me tell you, it wasn't like your standard gorilla. It was at the size of two normal gorillas height-wise and about one and a half width-wise. The gorilla literally had a rune sketched across its face.

"Why does it have a rune sketched across its face?" I whispered. Anything that the gorilla might get offended was something I intended to keep quiet. It also had deep red eyes, but that was quite normal, wasn't it?

"It means that it is the leader of his clan." Luke quickly glanced up, "Not like the Chosen One's clan, of course."

We all summoned our weapons. My trident was a much better weapon if the gorilla kept its distance. Sadly, I doubted it. The five of them, now they could do some damage.

"What's the plan?" Keith asked, it was only then, I realised that he actually talked. In my entire time of being in the camp, (which included some passing outs and all) the guy hadn't talked.

An idea formed at the base of my skull. "I'm not good at melee combat" I said aloud.

"Nice to see you found out at last, Dan. Well done!" Kane said, patting my shoulder.

I shot him a wary look, "I meant, you guys could attack while I could bend and make it distracted. In the end, you will kill it. I'll be making it easier for you guys. He can't possibly take out five people all at once and a bender who is maintaining his distance, right?"

Luke seemed to like the idea, so he agreed. The rest of all didn't protest, so I took it as a yes. They all looked at each other, like its been good knowing you and went to fight it.

For a gorilla that big, the fight went surprisingly easy. It didn't seem to like water and it didn't like lightning either. So I made that my combo move. And after that Jason, while flying, severed its head.

"Phew, your lightning is strong, Dan" Jason remarked, once we'd cleaned ourselves up. Falling on the mud didn't exactly help our cleanliness.

"Did I hit you?" My tone was controlled, my lightning, unfortunately, was not. I just looked at it and let go of all the powers I had.

"No it didn't. My spear is a conductor. It got the electricity even when you shot it a minute before. The lightning was that powerful. The Chosen One's power is certainly acting up, isn't it?"

"I keep forgetting that I am the Chosen One as well. What power does it even give?" I asked, I have never seen what my powers as the Chosen One was. I only knew that the Chosen One was supposed to be the protector of the entire planet.

"Apparently, the powers increase a tenfold, for both a bender and a lightning person. And also, your weapon, is the coolest." Luke said, his eyes shining. He liked my weapon probably more than he liked me.


"There is a legend-" Jason started, but quickly stopped when he saw Thalia's warning look.

"What's the legend?" I asked, though I knew he wouldn't tell.

Jason shook his head, "I can't tell now. Maybe when the time comes, I tell." His voice was carefully balanced, I could feel that much. It was as though he was afraid to give away some valuble information.

"Right. Where are we anyways?" I asked, this planet looked kind of nice. It was like Egypt. Except instead of being in the desert, it was in the wilderness. Like, a green pyramid.

"This is the Land of Demons. It's name is Qâiĕl. Here, we find monsters, not unlike the animals you saw the other day in the camp." Luke said, grinning. So everything I did was monitored in the camp.

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