Chapter 32

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Now where did Luke come from? How did he shoot lightning, posioned lightning, no less, at Joanne? I would have gone over and asked but now wasn't the time. I needed to fight Roël, and also beat him, somehow get my friends safely away.

I pointed one of my swords, and as though the sword were listening, a huge amount of air went. For now, air was the only one which could deal damage to Roël. He flew back and hit the turf on an awkward position. I think he landed on his knees, I'm not sure, but if he did get pain from it, he didn't show it. He summoned his katana again. This time, we didn't wait for any talking. We just fought.

I didn't care if he was the God of Weapons, all I cared was to get my friends out of this. They weren't the important ones, they don't have to come to fight Roël when they weren't asked to.

We both were pretty good on the fighting, which amazed me. We both sidestepped, rolled, dodged, jumped and attacked pretty much in synchronisation. It was only when I was about to dodge the shot when Roël rolled and he slashed where I was. He had a surprise to find out I escaped that. Still there was pretty much no hope of me winning unless....

I had a little plan I didn't develop nor was I intending to develop. I created a wall and puched it. The wall flew backwards (turf-bending, I'm not that strong) Roël jumped it, but before that I went into the air. This time Roël looked at me, in the eyes, he had a confident smile and he flew as well. He did the same thing Joanne did. He somehow used something to his bidding to fly.

Instead of attacking me, he flew to Jason and pretty much slashed as his chest. There was just enough time for me to pull him away. When I say pull him away, I mean I controlled both the turf and the air and made him come back. The anger must have been visible, because I found it much easier to enter the Prime state.

I did enter and through magically enhanced voice, I shouted "You will not harm my friends!" and without waiting for an answer I attacked using all four elements. I had to be careful, though. I didn't want to vaporise myself now. I attacked him first with water but he dodged it, then air which had some effect and then fire which, sometimes when his hands caught in it, I could see his fear, and at last I would use turf as a sort of silent attack. I would completely randomise the elements so he didn't know which was coming first.

I looked back to see how the fight between the armies was going on. I saw Joanne trying to jump me. I quickly spun around and air engulfed me into a ball. Anything or anyone that comes near it will be pushed back.

Both of them smiled at each other, and they flew up. I had to fly with them, I didn't want them to have high ground. I wished I could somehow do that vision that I sometimes get, where time never passes and I can send a message.

Oh you want that? I can do that, Wihelm's voice echoed. I sometimes forgot during the heat of the battle that I have a sixteen thousand year old past life, willing to help me. Who would you like? Wilhelm asked.

Anyone, just them to be my friends. I said, and saw Thalia's face accompanied along with Wilhelm's smirk. He really went and did that just to annoy me, didn't he? The smirk confirmed it as well

"Daniel!?" I heard Thalia's surprised voice.

"That's me." I said, and I saw relief on her face. "Look I'm sorry for leaving you lot like that and-"

"I should have listened to you" Her eyes welled up in tears. "If we listened to you earlier, the Sword would have been been with us and not with them."

I shuffled at my feet, "Um, yeah, about that. I sort of have the Sword." and I summoned it.

Her shock was clearly visible, "Wow. So we are victorious? I still haven't woken up."

"No. I'm fighting Joanne and Roël right now. Your brother woke up and he can now shoot lightning. He weakened Joanne"

"What!?" It was her turn to want to hear more information,

"Yeah." She shook her head in disbelief, I continued, "Alright look, that isn't the point right now. You're tied up right now. I can free you lot" She nodded as though she understood, "and we join you to kill Roël and Joanne. How are you even holding against them. I could barely hold up with Joanne"

"No. You do not join me-"

"We will! Jason can do a lot in the air an-"

"Only Luke and I are in any shape to fight. Jason has been knocked over. His mouth was bleeding. Like a lot." I hid the fact that I had the same amount of bleeding as well.

She finally gave in. She nodded stiffly, and I smiled. Something was going my way. Thalia said, "Daniel?" I looked at her and to my astonishment, she was blushing. "Yeah?" I asked

"I sort of--All the best against him" she said. It was evident she wanted to say something else.

"Tell what you wanted to say at first, please?" I looked at her with pleading expressions, however she smirked. "Come back safely, and I'll tell it a thousand times for you"

That was when I was hit by realisation. Her prophecy, her hugs, her warm smiles towards me, now they all made sense. She must have found out that I understood, she looked at the ground sadly, "I wish I hadn't seen Roël, you know"

Screw Roël. I wanted to kill myself now. In my anger, I mentioned that she had feelings for Roël to this day. I could only imagine how much pain she would have felt when I said that. "Goodbye, Thalia" and I hurriedly closed the vision. Why hadn't I realised earlier?

Wihelm responded with, Maybe because you always rejected anyone that tried to come close to you. Allowing only two friends until you turned sixteen would probably play a huge role.

Ok I get it, I am terrible at this thing. and I opened my eyes to find Roël and Joanne at the same place. They both summoned their weapons and they both attacked me. I had to say, the fight didn't go that bad. I managed to hold them off for a solid minute until I decided, if I take out Roël, Joanne will be an easy target, and I focussed on Roël. Whenever Joanne attacked, I would just dodge it.

Roël was a hard target even when it was only him and I fighting. With Joanne, I simply couldn't. One of them let an arrow out of nowhere at me, I suppose the God of Weapons wouldn't mean only the sword. It would be a lot of weapons. The arrow flew past me and fell down, I could almost see the arrow was going down to hit my friends. I hoped that wasn't the case and I went Prime state.

This time, however, I put Wilhelm in charge for a few seconds and went to talk to the spirits. All three of my spirits were dying. Their glow was so terrible, it was a wonder they managed to stay put for sixteen years. Even now, they were fighting each other. Spirits, you cannot fight each other. Please!, I begged but no one heeded me.

I first went to the Holder spirit, Great Holder spirit, I understand you defeated Roël in the dark war. Please help me do the same thing now. You can stop it by helping me, I could feel the Holder obeyed. Suddenly, the Holder was brighening, but the Chosen One and my Godly part were still fighting.

I walked over to the Chosen One, Great Chosen One spirit. I understand you regret your decision of choosing Roël as your mortal. You can take revenge now. You can help us to fight him. I could feel he had done the same thing as well. Even he started glowing.

I walked up to the Godly part of me, Last but not least, Great God of strength. I understand I haven't found who you were until a few minutes ago. Please forgive me for that, But now you do not have anyone to fight. You can be at peace with yourself. Full strength will return. I felt the glow of it and I knew all spirits were at peace with themselves.

I opened my eyes to face both Roël and Joanne, But this time, I was accompanied, I had my God spirit, the Holder spirit, and the Chosen One's spirit backing me up.

Roël and Joanne were doomed

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