Chapter 33

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Roël and Joanne were seriously doomed. I never felt so much at ease with myself. I had to think twice for flying and shooting lightning bolts and jumping out of the way. Now, I could fly and shoot lightning bolts without even thinking about it. I could also feel my reflexes be much improved. I was as fast as Roël himself.

I dodged for the first half of the fight. I even taunted them. A lot. "Come on! Are you lot even related to me!?" I shook my head in disbelief as I calmly dodged every single lightning shot at me. Everytime they'd try and come for the melee, I would summon the Swords of Jonathan. They would just back off.

At times, they would risk coming close to me, in which I would do one or two moves and then fly off.

From somewhere below, I heard Luke's voice go, "NO! LEAVE THEM ALONE!" and I knew I was in trouble. I didn't open the bindings yet. I knew my friends would attack Roël and Joanne, so I wanted to wait for sometime. If they were in danger, I needed to go there. Now

I went into the Prime and I sprayed a gush of air, so strong, they were blown off course and I flew back to my friends just to see there were 4 men holding them and 2 men holding Luke. They hadn't seen me yet, and I knew they wouldn't expect.

I raised the turf, shielding all my friends, then I shot lightning bolts, even fire at times. In the end of that short detour, all of them were on the floor, blood slowly gushing from their ears and nose. I could see the body move, so I knew they weren't dead. I raised the turf down, to see everyone, grinning at me. "Christmas came early, kids!" and I slashed the ropes. It appeared that it could only be cut through air. That's also why Jason was particularly hit.

"You beat Roël and Joanne, single-handedly?" they asked, their eyes wide in astonishment.

I pointed to the sky, "They're searching for me up there"

They grinned, "Let them search. Luke. Lukas Univek. Tell me how you managed that!" Thalia shrieked, flinging herself into Luke.

"My situation can't be cured." Luke explained. I looked at him closely. He looked fresh as new. "However," Luke continued, "I learnt to control the strength. I can now control lightning. Both, poison and normal lightning." He grinned as though he was maniacal to try such a thing. I thought so as well. He was a water-bender. Any lightning hitting a water-bender would be fatal

I went to him and hugged him tightly. "Wow. You've learnt the posion lightning thing faster than the Lightning Prince now, huh?"

He smirked, "I know, right!"

"I hate to interrupt the party. But we have unfinished business with our relative." Roël's voice interrupted us. I looked at him in surprise, however I slapped him across the face with some turf mixed with water. Mud, in simpler terms. Everyone cheered when they saw him. Even Joanne had to smile a little.

"What unfinished business does he exactly ha-....Oh!" Luke finished. He had forgotten what the quest was originally about.

Kane and Keith were still confused, "Roël got the Sword. What exactly is the unfinished business?" Kane asked.

I grinned at him, "That's where you're wrong, my friend" and I summoned the Sword of Darkness. Everyone probably would have been so shocked, they might need a minute or two of rest.

Roël and Joanne looked at the Sword, hungrily. They then looked at me, "Give it here, brother. I give you a choice, give it and go peacefully"

"Or?" I asked, knowing the answer already.

They both looked at each other. Together, they said, "We fight." and both of them fly upward shooting lightning everywhere they could guess we were at. One was mightily close to Keith, but it didn't hit, thankfully.

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