Chapter 5

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Soon Daniel became close friends with them 4. The girl's name, he learnt was Thalia, and he hung out with them a lot. Harry and Josh also hung out with them from time to time. Anyone who could beat Westlands was fine by them.

Whenever they had a discussion about the Westlands match, all of them would just smirk at each other as though sharing an inside joke. He knew he couldn't get a straight answer out of them, so he didn't ask. All he could do was hope he could overhear one of their conversations that actually talked about him.

He decided he should probably invite them to his house, introduce them to his family. He had told his family that he made some good friends from that match but that's all.

All five of them readily agreed to see his family and talk to them. He didn't know whether they were always like that or they were just being weird but he invited them all to his home, maybe play on their Playstation or just go to the football pitch and play. They all came on one cold morning and he introduced them all.

His mother loved them. Whenever the 5 of them came, she would be in a much better mood. She would give them enough money to go get ice creams, then the 6 of them could roam as much as they wanted to. Josh and Harry couldn't come because they wanted to study to get good grades. It was the 6 of them, going to each other's house for studies or just join a club for studies.

It turned out that all 5 of them were orphans at some point. Luke and Thalia were siblings, and Jason, Keith and Kane sort of met together in a foster home. All 5 of them became good friends and their step-parents sent them to this school. Daniel wondered where they would have learnt to play football, they played like actual professional players.


Luke, Jason, Keith and Kane joined Daniel for his football practice, even Thalia came to watch them playing. The coach was shocked when he saw how good all 5 of them (including Daniel) were playing.

They played like a team with a good few years of experience. And after a short 5v5 match, they all made to leave for their houses when Daniel noticed his blackouts were back,

"Daaniel Lucifer, you will not be hiding anymore" and his eyes gleamed, atleast that's what Daniel thought it was. He fell to the ground. Kane pulled him back to him and made him to sit down,

"What happened? you literally went pale and just fell without saying anything" he asked

"I don't know, I usually have these strange.....i actually don't know how to describe it. I faint and my mind is blank sometimes"

"Sometimes?" Luke asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah and some other times, I get a voice. I don't know what it says but still, it's probably because of me watching a lot of fantasy films, I get this dramatic effect"

But all five of them went pale. "We...we need to talk about some stuff privately, could you wait here with Harry and Josh for a few minutes?" Luke told, forgetting that there was no Josh and Harry, and without waiting for an answer all 5 of them went somewhere, and after about ten minutes they all came with a grim-look on their face. It was Luke who spoke first.

"We 5, that is Me, Thalia, Keith, Jason and Kane need to be honest with you. Jason, tell him the whole thing"

"Ok. How many planets do you think are in this world, Daniel?" Jason started with that pale expression still on his face.

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