Chapter 35

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Why would my Godly rune be glowing? Hey, I found out I was a God only a few hours ago, don't judge me. It was in the evening when it started glowing, I showed it to Jason just before I touched it.

Turns out, that means someone is calling me and the rune acts as a key to a Portal, and yes, you know who called me. It was God. He said he'd meet me when everything got over and he did. Zekire now is living with a family. Thalia is now resting, poison will be soon cured. As I touched, I could feel myself go through a portal and turn into a bird. I didn't know what type of bird it was, I just turned into one.

Why am I a bird?, I asked Wilhelm, but he didn't reply. Old people.

I knew where I was. The throne room of God but considering the size of it, it would be termed as a new country. I'm pretty sure anyone who sees this would not call this as a room. God was sitting in a throne, he was a little bigger than usual. He was only twenty feet tall. Not that huge, is it?

He saw me and he got out of his throne. He shrunk to about seven feet and came to me. "Daniel. How are you, son?"

"Very good, God" I bowed down.

"Get up" he came and held me up, "I called you for your help. You don't need to bow when I ask for help"

I frowned. What does the Almighty need to do with my help? "What is it that you ask, God?" I made sure to look formal as much as I could.

"Haven't you guessed it yet?" God asked, looking at me.

"Is it to summon the fifth element?" I asked. I knew this was what he asked, but there was some more coming from it. Not only help from them.

"Oh, you know that, Daniel. You met them in your quest. I would like you to think about it."

I was confused, "B-but, weren't their essence destroyed? Wilhelm said so"

God shook his head, smiling, waiting for me to develop it. "Roël said my blood had sorcery in it. Does that mean Roël was one of them to find that out?" I asked. I knew it was wrong. It wasn't him. God stood silently. He didn't say anything. I carried forth,

"It wasn't the prisoners, was it?" I asked. God remained silent. At last it hit me, "The fake demons." I whispered. I shot one of them with lightning and he didn't even show pain. Because they were connected to the Royalty, I realised. God nodded, smiling.

"They gave all of their powers apart from one, and you might know what it is." God said.

I knew this very well. Wilhelm showed me how they looked, in the first ever time I saw him. They were more or less human. But when I saw these people, they looked like demons. Which meant, "Changing of appearance." I answered.

God nodded, he now wasn't smiling, He was looking at me, seriously. "Now, if they return, I am pretty sure I can show myself anywhere."

"You mean you cannot do so now, God?" I asked incredulously.

He shook his head sadly, "I was imprisoned when all of my essences were divided. The return of these people will grant me some power over the world"

"Oh" I didn't know what to say to that. 'My deepest condolences' wouldn't really suit this occasion.

"I cannot tell anymore than that." he snapped his fingers and a portal opened, "Take this Portal. It will take you where you are needed the most, right now" He pointed to it, and just as I was about to leave, he called, "And Daniel?" I turned, he said, "You were right when the Sword of Darkness shouldn't be used in a fight" and I could swear I heard his voice say, yet.

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