Chapter 21

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I know we pretty much always have a weird landing spot when we travelled, we've landed on top of a palace, next to a gorilla, but this? This was pushing it.

Why landing on top of a guy who was mad for revenge? Apparently the Elemental Nation chained him up instead of leaving him with a fine, so he got angry, he somehow broke free and joined the fight. Against the Elemental Nation.

I was having none of it, I was the nearest to this guy, I had my dual swords and I slit his throat. Yes, I actually wanted to knock him out or something, I aimed for his chest, and the injury just be enough for him to stop fighting. He brought his head up, trying to kill me and I slit his throat. He managed to croak, "Good one" and fell down, dead.


We all split and first I heard a call "LUKE!", this caused some confusion from the opponents side, so I flew over there and with some turf bending, knocked him out. I decided not to kill anyone, just knock people out. Use bending and lightning. I had my lightning orb with me for energy so there wasn't that much of a problem.

My cloak deflected a knife from the back, and I turned to see a guy that looks very much like me, looking at me in shock.

Since, he looked like me, I assumed he must have been related to me, I didn't kill him, "Who are you?" I asked. My face was a little hard to replicate so I was pretty sure he must be related to me.

"I am Leo, your cousin brother, brother of Joanne, Cousin of Roël Quret" and he broke into an evil, twisted grin.

Seeing my enemies grin, especially when it was from a person that looks like me, put me off. I took my sword and disarmed him and then I brought down a ton of turf down on him but it didn't hit him, I held it a foot above his face

"Do not forget me. I'm your cousin as well" I broke into a deadly whisper

He grinned, "You are weak" he whispered and then grinned again.

I let it fall on with all of my energy. So the lightning lot is here, eh? Can I do something out of this?

I flew all the way above and went Prime mode. Honestly, that state is amazing, apart from the fact that even a small scratch when you're in the Holder spirit, you're dead. Like, forever. It might be different for me, but still, not something you want to try out.

It was only then, I realised something. I could feel the Nation's emotions and thought. I silently willed them to fall back, back to a corner. They all followed. I raised the turf to form a huge barrier in between them. Something lightning couldn't break and elementals wouldn't break.

I flew all the way to the top of of fhe barrier, I looked at the Lightning Kingdom's army and spoke in my best captain voice. Something, both commanding and encouraging, My voice boomed, "I AM DANIEL LUCIFER. I AM THE HOLDER OF THE ELEMENTAL NATION", to prove that, I bended fire and turf at the same time. "I AM ALSO THE LIGHTNING PRINCE, SON OF QURET AND VANESSA"

Now that got a huge gap of silence. Half of the Lightning army, was bowing at me, or they were standing defiatnly, like a I-don't-care-who-you-are kind of way. One of them shouted, "How do I believe you? If you are, why have you been missing all this time we worshipped you as a god?"

Did he really have to remind me again and again about it?, I showed them my runes, But I didn't come close, I didn't want a sword poking out of my chest. Somehow they all managed to see it, and shouted, "Where have you been!?"

I didn't know what to say to that myself, but suddenly, I had a blackout.

Really? I thought we were over this!, I thought to myself, and this time, I saw myself as a baby. I knew it was me because I saw the same face at a statue in the Planet of Gods. I saw a woman, playing with me, she looked nothing like Lily, so I assumed she would be my biological mother, Vanessa. I was shooting sparks at her, while she acted like it hurt her.

"It is your father's birthday, son. He will come and we both will play with you!" I cheered for that as well. I sort of, raised my arms, as though dancing in a party.

Suddenly the doors burst open and I could feel my mother's shock, How? Only Lightning Royalties can come in, I could sense her thoughts, now in this vision.

A man of age 20, with white hair. Not blond, white. It didn't even look like it came from old age, it looked like he naturally had white hair. His eyes, it didn't have the sclera. In other words, his eyes were fully black. There wasn't even the white part in his eyes. He looked quite muscular. I looked at his arms and noticed a rune that was the very same rune as mine. So this is Roël. He was the first prince.

But his rune was a little different, it looked as though it had faded. Do runes fade?, I wondered to myself. Not usually. It takes a lot of pain to get rid of one's rune. But that also would make a person powerful., Wilhelm answered immediately.

"Hello mother. Good seeing you again." He talked, his voice was the same I heard earlier. In my dreams, I would get this voice a lot. His voice was drawling, it reminded of a snake, I didn't know why, but it did.

My mother was in rage. "How daring of you to come here, Roël", and she summoned her weapon, her weapon was a sword and a shield. The sword was long compared to my swords, so she could fight without really going close.

He taunted her, "What are you going to do, poke that thing on my chest, my arms?" He laughed again, "Oh, put that away, mother. You know you were no match for me. And besides, I didn't even come here for you. I came here for my baby brother." He looked at the baby form of me, "I heard he is the Holder! Must be proud, eh? Three of the most important people, all in one family. The Chosen One, the Holder and the Lightning King."

She snarled and charged at Roël, he didn't even look fazed, he got a sword much faster than I get mine, his was more of a katana type of sword. He dodged the first two blows from her and in the end, with the blunt side of the sword, hit her on the head. Immediately, blood started pouring out of her skull, she fell to the ground.

"And now the fun begins!" He walked up to me, I looked good-naturedly at him, like he was going to play with me or something. "Happy deathday, brother." And he raised his sword.

The vision paused, I was inside of myself again and this time the Holder, the Chosen One and the God spirits joined together. I instantly had a lot of energy, I went into the Prime state, but this one was different. Usually, in the Prime state, my eyes and my runes would glow. This time, light flashed and it surrounded me, giving me sort of the light-bulb effect.

The God part of you, working together with Holder and Chosen One's spirits, Wilhelm said, with his voice clearly saying he admired and was impressed by it. The light blinded Roël, I was teleported to Earth. I came in the road where my parents (Lily and Jack) usually ended their run at. So, I was five kilometres away from home, as a baby.

A man appeared next to me and I recognised him (or them) instantly. It was my spirits. All three of them formed a human body, enough to write a note from a piece of paper, in which my details was written and I was escorted to the Child Enforcement Centre.

Then I was met by Maddison, who looked at me with a pleasant expression. She picked me up and immediately, I played with her hair. It was a brown and frizzly kind of hair. I played with it a lot as she was inspecting me. She did not like the fact that I had a rune/tattoo. She sighed to herself, carrying me into the centre. She put me onto a bed, "Sleep well, Daniel." and she whispered to herself, "Please save this baby from the trouble atleast, God. There already are a lot of babies here as well"

And suddenly, time passed quickly, A month later, I see a younger form or Lily and Jack led by a delighted Maddison.

We all know what happened after that, don't we?

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