Chapter 19

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The Planet of Darkness huh?

I suppose I should have guessed, you know, with it being dark and all.

I should have made the connection, Sword of Darkness and Planet of Darkness and all, right? Oh wait...I didn't know there was such a planet, I was a newbie.

How was the planet? It was dark, cold and it didn't look like I would be escaping this planet anytime soon. I realised the Planet was somehow influencing my thoughts. It wasn't called the Planet of Darkness only because it was dark, it inspired dark thoughts and I did not like one bit of it.

Luke grinned at me, and I realised how bad it was for him, then. He lost his parents, took out how much ever time to find me and then fight alongside with me. It might not have occured to him, but it seemed like he was being used. Punishing him fo find me and then push him to find a sword against the most evil guy who happened the previous Chosen One and my brother.

He was still being grateful. How can one be that positive? It didn't really occur that he was being like that just so he can inspire us to be positive as well, hence, the grin. I suppose I should be grateful, but I wasn't. I just looked away.

I was thinking about all the times my parents (Lily and Jack) made Hazel and Roberto a priority. I knew that they were their birth children and younger, so they required more attention, but still. Then, I remembered the football matches I played. In most of them, I made passes to my friends instead of shooting, giving them goals instead of taking the fame myself.

In the recent match as well, I didn't do anything. Just the most simple and boring passes. Why? I could have taken on the entire team instead of a newbie on the team. I deserve all those goals. No one other than me deserve them. I found myself thinking.

Concentrate, Dan. This planet is dangerous!, Wilhelm's voice snapped me back to reality. At first, I thought he was talking about any fights or something would be going on. But then I realised he was talking about my thoughts. The fact that my parents did that much was more than I could ever ask for. They even brought me a car. What kind of parent who doesn't love their child would get them their dream car?

And the matches, I knew that those feelings was in me for a lot of times. Compared to Harry and Josh, I had very less goals. I had about 20 when they were going on about hitting 100 goals each. I always wished that for one match, I would be the one to score. Not them.

Now was not the time, I was just about to think about my vision with my spirits. I had no idea why I saw that, but I suppose the knowledge that my spirits were pranksters might help, although, making the god part of me (I still can't believe I am one) not enter my body seemed bad.

But anyways, I didn't realise that I was frowning. Thalia came to me and, "You might as well ask, you know. I won't kill you or anything."

I had no idea what she was talking about, "What?"

"Why talking about Roël makes me sad. They told me you found out he was your brother."

I had been thinking about that. I found out that Roël was the previous Chosen One and for some reason, whenever talking about the Chosen One, everyone would give subtle glances at her. I nodded, I wasn't thinking about that, but anyways, she volunteered the information herself.

She took a deep breath, "You know that Luke and I are orphans, right?"

I nodded, this information I knew even before I knew who I truly was. "Yes, I know that"

"Did he mention I killed them?"

I gaped at her, she killed her own parents!?, but I didn't say that, I managed to sound like it was completely reasonable to murder your own parents, "Any reason to why you did that?"

She had pain in her eyes. I knew I was dense, but still, I understood that much. "They were the most powerful elementalists I knew. I thou-. I thought Roël was the good guy. H- He managed to convince that my parents were not there. They were weari-, wearing masks. I just fought and f-fought until I kille-they were murdered. I then found out who they were. That was why I changed my side, from Roël to the Elemental Nation."

I knew it was hard for her telling this and how this planet could make bad thoughts quite easily. She needed that support, I reached out and held her hand, (don't be shocked, she's my teacher at MeleeCombat101, and my friend) and squeezed it. "Look, that was Roël's fault. Your mistake was to trust him and, believe me, trusting the wrong person is usual for any mortal"

She looked at me gratefully, she was struggling as well. I suppose her guilt would be multiplied in this planet. I atleast had Wilhelm to back me up mentally, she and others had no one. I let go of her hand. Jason coughed loudly from behind, I could guess he was trying to get my attention and I turned back, his eyes glinted with amusement, "We need reassurance as well, Daniel" he now made an expression as though pleading, but I could tell he was acting.

I went for the act though, "You see, my young pupil, trusting is something that we do wrong. To trust someone, you must first punch a person on his head. If he doesn't get mad, he can be trusted." I frowned at him, "I do not trust you... just yet"

He backed off, his hands in the air, surrendering. We all laughed, and it felt good to laugh where, you want to sit down and cry.

"So, this Planet, what's the plan?" I asked. They must have already discussed it when I passed out. (for the third time)

Jason started talking, "We do not split. That made the stay even worser last time. God hinted that we should search the west part of any planet. That's all he said."

I shook my head. I missed a conversation with God. That was not something I wanted to repeat. "So, we're in the west now?" They all nodded. "Right, Just checking" I muttered. I tried to light a fire but I couldn't. It was that cold. Me never being the quitter created a fire and an air bubble around it. The air controlled the fire alongside my bending. I was thinking, Hey! That could be brilliant for proving fire isn't possible without air in school but I doubted that these people would appreciate me showing bending to them.

The others all liked this idea, suddenly two fires were going (one was mine, and the other was Kane and Jason) Now everyone was warm, only problem, I had no energy. I suppose I could use that orb the man gave.

I repeat: I had no energy. Suddenly, a woman came in our sight and decided that she should shoot lightning. If it hit me, I would have been happy, I would have gotten charged and I might have been able to fight the woman, but it hit Jason. Jason was an air bender, so I suppose the damage wasn't exactly that high as it could have been. Keith and Luke were water benders and they might have died.

I turned to face the woman myself. I knew she couldn't kill me. I would be charged so she would be doubling her problems. Luke and Keith were healing Jason, while the rest of us were wanting to attack her.

Then she did something something I didn't expect. She came and introduced herself. It was only then I realised that she was my first attacker. She sneered at me, "You asked who I was, Daniel." Thalia looked at me in surprise.

"You wha-" but this woman cut her off

"I am Joanne, daughter of Tesil. Your uncle." I opened my mouth to speak, but she continued, raising her axes at me, pointing me "I am your cousin, Lucifer."

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