Chapter 15

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I had returned to my normal state. The Prime state felt good, but I wanted to get back to my normal state. I actually wanted to kill those guys. The Prime state was cruel, ruthless. It didn't care about who it attacked or killed. It didn't care if the person was valuable or not. It just valued how much power it had.

The men all fainted and I was scared at first. What if they'd died by that already? I did not want that to happen. I checked for their pulse and it was there. All good so far, now I had to check if anyone had gotten any disease. I knew all about Cholera and all those water-borne diseases (i was a little geeky at school even if I didn't get high grades) and didn't want them to contract those diseases.

Just then, one guy woke up and whispered, "How? You said you were the Chosen One."

I felt guilty. I should have told them all about my titles. "I am the Holder, Lightning Prince and the Chosen One", I showed him my runes and he paled. He whispered, "I am lord." and his face lost all of its colour. He passed out and I decided to leave them alone. I didn't want them to suddenly wake up and call me a lord. I was already worshipped enough, with the God business. I didn't want nor need, my enemies to call me a lord as well.

I used my ring and transported to Luke, and saw that, he was in captive. Yes, my waterbending master, was held captive. He was tied up in a pole and he was close to burning. Literally. Fire was held very close to him so that his water-bending power is decreased. I didn't know how, but no one saw me yet. I was flying right above the people and they hadn't seen me yet. Luke alone saw me and he stayed calm. Very calm.

I had no energy. Literally no energy. I hadn't had a meal since the camp and I was tired. It took us almost a day of not eating to travel between 3 planets and it was hard. What did I do to get punished so bad that I couldn't eat anything?

I flew in, deciding not to use bending unless absolutely necessary. Only lightning. I didn't want them to take two captives. I was just about to see where I should see to shoot my first bolt. I immediately saw that about seven of the nineteen guards were close to each ither and their weapons were obviously, metal. If I could put in as much as energy towards me shooting that and hope I had enough energy to fight using a melee weapon....It was a long shot, but I had no idea what else I could do.

I did put all of my energy and something said that, the Holder spirit and the Chosen One's spirit would have energy in it as well. I requested them, O great Holder spirit. Helper of the Elemental Nation, creator of immense strength. All I ask is for your energy. This will be essential on our quest on finding the person that killed Jonathan, your faithful representative. I didn't know if it listened or not, I didn't know if would give me its energy.

I quickly moved on. O Chosen One's spirit. The magnificent protector of the planet Corviopolis. You increased my power a lot of times during my bending. I ask for your energy. It would be essential to this quest of defeating my predecessor, brother and the darkest person ever.

I trusted that it would work and maybe that was what helped. I had gotten so much of energy that I actually wanted to duel using bending. But I stayed in controlof myself and stuck to my original plan.

I came down from flying and that might have given me the element of surprise (a figure of speech :NOT an actual element). I came to about ten feet higher than them and I knew tbat high ground (is it ground when you fly?) is highly beneficial. My video games had helped me there. I shot my lightning bolt quickly at a weapon with all of the energy I had and I could tell it worked before I saw it myself. I heard multiple zaps and a lot of yells.

I summoned my weapon. This time, I went for my dual swords and cut open him. I knew he wouldn't have that much of energy either but I thought if I die, this guy can escape atleast. I know, highly sacrificial thoughts, but hey, I'm special that way.

7 down, 12 to go!, I thought and one of those 12 thought it would be wise to run away. It was, but the rest 11 weren't running. One of them captured Luke again as I was fighting and he held him for ransom, "Drop your weapon now, Lucifer. Or Univek gets to meet his ancestors."

I had no idea how he knew my name, but I reluctantly obeyed. I had already knocked out 4 people. That makes 7 more people that wants to kill me.

I checked out my options. I could either bend my way out, but there was a low chance for it or talk to them while waiting for Jason, Thalia, Keith and Kane.

Naturally, I went for the one which had the least odds of winning. I chose to bend my way out. I went into Prime state.

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