Chapter 23

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Roël and Joanne, I'm coming for you

I was fuming. I know they wanted to end this Nation completely, but they should start with me, not my friends.

I didn't really look where I was going, and I was surprised when a man in armor and a hammer, turf bended a wall in front of me. I hit my head on it and instantly, I saw another man, this time, without an armor but with a gladius, came flying at me.

"What is your business here in the fire house!? And that too with traitors who betrayed the nation!" The air bender guy said,

What is it with this planet and uncomfortableness it emits? A lot of people give my friends looks of distaste, or actually talk like that, they didn't flinch or get angry, so I suppose they were used to it

I stood calm as well, the last thing I need is to go to the Prime state in anger. I showed my runes and their eyes nearly fell out of their eyes. "Y-You're the Holder and the Prince of the Lightning Kingdom?"

I nodded and just to scare them a little bit, let a very weak lightning bolt on the ground. "Sorry! Just happens when I get angry" I said, politely.

They were scared. However you emphasise that word, it will still be less than their fear. I almost smiled, and the image of Luke doing the lightning popped up in my head, and I got serious again.

Thankfully, they didn't bow or anything or I would have been pissed. I don't want worship, I want respect. For something I do, not for my titles of me being the Holder or the Chosen One or the Prince or the God.

They first did not allow the 4 of them in, but I looked at them, giving the expression that I'm calm, but do something bad and I won't be, and they let them all in.

I was walking with the Thalia, Keith, Kane and Jason when I saw a building. It was the same size as a lot of houses I've seen, but it still gave that mighty feel to it. The building had the fire symbol printed on it. This one was a little bit different though, the fire moved. It wasn't an actual fire, but it still moved and spread warmth. The building also had a logo printed on it

I was just about to enter the building when the building's fire stopped burning

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I was just about to enter the building when the building's fire stopped burning. Did something dramatic happen or was that just usual? I looked at the guards and they looked joyful. A roar told me one of those animals were alive and in the sky and I could see the Holder's rune in the sky.  I suppose that fire was burning because of the Holder not being there. I could hear the cheers going around the neighbourhood as well.

I could also feel my face burning, Why me?, I thought to myself and I felt Wilhelm's laughter. He would also have one of that, right? But I had the answer ready at me, He didn't stay away for sixteen years, and that's why these cheers are going on.

A guy came running out of the building, looked at me and froze in shock. "T-the Hol-Holder is alive!" His voice was shaking. He looked very weakly-built. If I saw him in Earth, I wouldn't have thought he was a bodybuilder. His runes told me he was an air-bender. His eyes, were black, but it wasn't Roël black, so I suppose he wasn't exactly that evil.

"I-I wanted to h-have a word wi-with you, My Lord" his voice was shaky again. "Go somewhere else, traitors!" He shouted angrily at the 4 of them. Now that made me angry. I already have lost one friend (for now), these guys will stick with me. Thalia was just about to turn around, when I said, "I am not being here without them, whoever you are"

Everyone was grinning at that. Come to think of it, a sixteen year old talking like that to someone who is much bigger than him (age, this guy cannot be bigger than me. I refuse to believe that) would seem a little amusing.

His face flushed, "Of course, my lord. I am the President, but you can call me Nalt" He turned to lead the way, "This way!" and he quickly went off. I was in no mood to walk all the way, so I just waited for a minute and used to ring to travel directly there.

"My lord, I wanted to say what a pleasure it is to have you!" He started, "Would you like some water?" I shook my head, so he continued, "Alright. straight to the point, we are going to attack the Lightning Kingdom, we have, in fact, been planning this for years now!" ignoring the shocked expression in my face, he carried forth, "with your support, we can easily conquer the Lightning Kingdom and put them in their place!", He looked excited, as though this was something he wanted to say for a long time.

"Woah, woah!" I put a time-out signal,"Attack them?"

"Yes, My Lord, attack them, they always have been the stronger one and we can't do anything about it. Now that we have you and they don't have Roël or the new prince, we can defeat them and be the best kingdom, in the best planet!"

So this was the situation now, "Ah, that's where you are wrong, Nalt. You see, I wasn't just the Holder." he frowned, "I am also the Lightning Prince.", and that's when all my spirits had the same thoughts, kill this guy. He dares attack an enemy who is more powerful, who chooses to remain dormant, I have to say, it was hard to resist what they were saying. All three spirits working together just makes me to obey them. I actually almost summoned my swords.

He looked mortified, "Y-you're the prince?" His face contorted into anger, "Traitors! I'm surrounded by traitors" he bellowed, and he summoned his weapon, it was a sword and a shield. He almost came at me, but I scared the wits out of him.

I wasn't the only one though, Thalia snarled and brought her own sword. I didn't say anything, just let out another spark. He flinched when he saw it, and he surrendered, seeing he was hopelessly outmatched.

"What do I do for you to spare my life?", he asked dully. I looked up in surprise, "Spare you! Did you think I was going to kill you?"

Now he got excited, "You're joining me!", I glared at him, "Or stay neutral, That works too." he muttered.

I got an idea, "Do you have all the contacts in this nation?" I asked, He nodded, so I carried on, "I want you to find me an airbending healer, and when you find him, send him to the Infirmary, wherever that is."

"As you wish, My lord" he mumbled, and he bowed down

I looked at my friends. They were delighted to see that we could help Luke recover. I looked at the time, it was nearing night and I didn't want to stay here anymore.

"We're leaving now, but remember, if I find you're attacking the Kingdom, you should count your living days. You can celebrate if you live a week after attacking them."

The guy gulped and we all left using out cloaks, as planned, to the Land of the Dead.

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