Chapter Fourteen: Melione

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   After dragging Percy through the tunnel, I was out of breath. I couldn't breathe underwater anymore. I had to swim as fast as I could to make it out. As soon as we were out of there, I rest Percy up against a rock. I quickly realised that I didn't have any ambrosia or nectar, so I look for the healing flower. That's what ambrosia is made of.
   After a while, I find a bush of healing flowers. I picked a few and went back to the beach. Once I to back to the beach, I hear groaning. I turn and see Percy rubbing his head.
   "What...?" He says.
   "Here, have this Percy. It's a healing flower." I say, handing him the healing flower. He starts to eat it, and then he creepily looks up at me.
   "Are you ticklish Melione?" He asks with an evil look on his face.
   "Yes, why?" I ask.
   "So you won't mind if I tickle you?" He asks. Before I could answer he tackles me and starts tickling me.
   "Percy stop!" I say with a laugh
   He smiles at me "You know you have such an adorable laugh?"
   I roll my eyes at him playfully then I manage to judo flip him over my shoulder.
   "Not again" Percy mumbles.
   Annabeth and Nico soon arrive at the beach. Annabeth stops in her tracks. She looks between Percy and me, and her face goes from shock, to relief to jealousy.
   "Oh uh-- ...hi guys" I said nervously. Annabeth just glares a glare that translates to you have a lot of explaining to do before I kick you all the way to Tartarus. I soon stand on my feet helping Percy up he stumbles a bit but manages to stand.
   Percy clears his throat "Maybe we should start setting up camp..?" Percy askes. Me and Nico nod, but Annabeth curses in ancient Greek.
   "Yeah sure whatever" Annabeth mutters she begins to walk off.
   Nico shakes his head at us "Come on we don't want to keep her waiting"
   Once we finished up setting camp Nico and I decided to go get more logs for the fire.
   After we got back we saw Percy and Annabeth sitting next to each other. A mischievous smile came across my face "Nico what's that song that Sebastian sand from the little mermaid when Ariel was on the boat with the prince?" I ask.
   "Uh kiss the girl, Anyway, how do you know about the little mermaid?" Nico questions
   "That doesn't matter right now." I walk off towards Percy and Annabeth. I sneak up behind them and begin to whisper the song from the little mermaid 'kiss the girl'. Percy soon tenses up he whips around pulling out his sword, riptide. He leaps at me, tackling me onto the ground. In the process, my hair was all flicked away, and out of my face. It revealed the scar across my right eye.
   Percy stumbles back at the sight of my scar. I had forgotten it was there, but was it that hideous? I get up, brush off the dirt off of myself and run into my tent, covering my eyes. 

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