I stared at the place where Melonie had been, shocked from the tips of my hair to my toes. What had happened to her eye? Something in the back of mind was stirring, like, it was important, but I couldn't quite pinpoint it.
"Well, good job seaweed brain, you've managed to make the daughter of Hades upset. Well, who's up for dinner?" Annabeth said in a sarcastic tone.
After a while, we all decided to call it a night, but I couldn't sleep. I just kept on thinking of how that scare on her eye looked. Then it hit me. Aphrodite.
You see, she came to me in a dream once. She gave me a prophecy, and I had kind of stored it at the back of my mind, because I didn't think it would become useful. Now, I can remember it clearly.
Once you have found the love of your life,
Look for the girl with a scar across one eye.
The girl with a scar across one eye, that's gotta be Melonie, it's gotta be her, doesn't it? She's the only girl I know with a scar across one eye, but what does it mean? "Curse Aphrodite, why did she have to make my love life so hard?" I said out loud.
"Careful what you say out loud boy!" A voice says. "Who knows whose listening?"
I look around for the voice, but can't see anyone. I only see a... dove? How did it get in here?
"Ummm, hello Mrs Dove?" I say, very confused.
"Thats Mr Dove to you!" It snaps. Is it possible for a dove to be sassy?
"Sorry, Mr Dove."
"Better. Now, I have a message from my mistress-"
"Aphrodite?" I ask. Mr Dove slaps me with his wing. Is that even possible?
"Don't interrupt me!"
"Do you want to be slapped again?" He challenged. I open my mouth to speak when Mr Dove raises his wing, as if his getting ready to slap me. "Well?" I shake my head no. "Good, now. As I was saying before I got so rudely interrupted. I have a message from mistress Aphrodite." He pulled a scroll out of, i don't even know where. "Ahem. It says...
'Dear Percus Jackson,
By now you have seen the girl from that little prophecy I gave you. If you do recall, your new 'friend' Melonie, has a scar across one eye. It was given to her by her father, Hades. I won't go into details, it's a boring story. Anyway, as you also know, love is a tricky game. I like to make as many twists and turns before I finally let someone's love life be. But I don't always control it. Such as Annabeth's feelings of jealousy. She made herself feel that though, but I am however making you feel though's feelings for Melonie. No, I won't stop. Not even if you pray to me and leave me offerings at my alters for a whole year (which you should be doing anyway)! I like playing my games. The only way to beat this game however, is to admit to the one person you truly love, your feelings. You must wait three days after hearing this though, to admit your feelings to whom you decide. I hope you can beat this level of my little game.
Love, Aphrodite X'"
I sat in silence for a bit, taking in what was in the letter. I was so confused.
"Do you plan on saying anything at all?" Mr Dove said impationtly. "I have places to be!"
"Now, what do you say?"
"Uhh, thanks?" For ruining my life I considered saying it, but decided not to.
"You're welcome." Mr Dove said, before he became a pick cloud of fluff.
Why does Aphrodite have to say the things she does?
The next morning I woke up to the smell of smoke. My immediate reaction was fire. Then I died, haha. Just kidding. But as i was saying my immediate reaction was fire, I ran out of the tent and screamed "FIRE!" But then i realized Annabeth was cooking us some large eggs that I've never seen in my so far life.
Annabeth looks at me squinting her eyes at me. "Jeez seaweed brain ever heard of a fire pit?"
"Oh, umm..." Before I could finish my sentence Annabeth lets out a laugh. "Gods you really are stupid arent you seaweed brain" She said between laughs. I scowl at the blonde
"Yeah guess I am, but aren't you for dating me?" I say, raising my eyebrow. Annabeth sat there, silent for quite a while with her eye twitching. Oh crud... I thought. I broke my girlfriend. Before Annabeth can even lay a hand on me, Nico and Melione soon make an appearance.
"Morning guys!" Melione says, cheerfully. I'm surprised that she's so flamboyant. Yeah, that's right. I can use the word 'flamboyant' correctly.
Anyway, it was a bit concerning, especially after she ran into her tent for some unexplained reason. Was it because I upset her? Or was it because everyone saw that scar across her eye. I don't understand why she did that though, because it looks badass - I mean cool. I watch silently as Melione sits down far away from me, and I begin to wonder is possibly, she's mad at me, but I don't let that bother me. Instead I continue to chat with Annabeth and bicker with her.

Hades Daughter
FanfictionWhen Melione, the daughter of Hades and Persephone is stripped of her immortality, she finds herself on a quest with Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Nico di anglo. But she finds herself being shadowed by the titan Atlas, and her brother Haden. We...