Chapter Twenty-Two: Annabeth

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It felt ages since she rocked up, But when she did there was an uncomfortable feeling among us. Maybe it was the fact that she could really be working with Atlas?

But why should I care? As long as she didnt get her hands on Percy and hurt him, what's the worst that could happen?

I don't care what she did or if she could get her immortality back. What matters now is that we need to find a way to truly know if she is working with Atlas. Which would be hard, considering it's not like we could just be like 'Hello, Melione by any chance are you working with someone that goes by the name of Atlas?' If we were to do that, we would just end up in a huge catastrophe.

Even though there are three of us, Melione, being two thousand years old, has an advantage. Especially with those big black feathery wings. And I'm not ready to truly see what the daughter of Hades could do. For all we know, she could skin us alive and feed our skin to the multi-headed dog called the Cerberus. Eventually I snap out of my thoughts and of any plans I could come up with and ponder about. But I feel a sharp pain to my hip as Percy elbows me to get my attention. I give him a scowl and me a sheepish smile. I roll my eyes at him and see Melione staring at me.

"Thoughts, Annabeth?" she asks. I give her a confused expression and turn to Percy and Nico, hoping they'd tell me what she asked, but they both give me a blank look.

"What did you say?" I question. Melione lets a small sweet laugh out.

"I said there's somewhere in these woods, where nymphs are located. And I need something from them.So I thought we could go look for them." Melione says with teeth blinding smile.

"Sure" I grumble. Why would anyone want to go find Nymphs? And after what happened between Percy and Melione, I wasn't exactly thrilled.

How do I know Percy wont go making out with a Nymph this time? But it wasn't like I could say no now. Melione already started speeding off, with Percy calling out for her to slow down. Which made me more partially nervous. How do we know that she's walking fast on purpose to make Percy run after her, where she takes him and delivers him to Atlas? It only makes the butterflies in my stomach even more putrid to bare.

We walk through the forest, no one saying a word. I'd occasionally glance at Percy, but he's too busy trying to talk to Melione about something. I try to hear as much as I can, but I can only hear whispers and a small breathy laugh from Melione and the smirk that Percy does.

I feel steam come out my ears (Of course not literally. I'm not a teapot.) But if I could describe how I felt, it was like a teapot making that screeching sound and the steam bursting the spout. I watch the two chatter away but I guess Melione senses my eyes burning at the back of her head, as she looks at me and smiles and gives a small wave. I let out a scoff earning Percy's attention. He frowns at me for some reason and shakes his head. I glanced over at Nico, only to find that he wasn't there. I stop in my tracks.

"Uhh, guys?" They stop and look at me. "Where's Nico?"

"He's right there..." Percy's voice faltered as he too, realised that Nico wasn't there. I watch as Melione's face turns to worry. Maybe she wasn't totally evil.

"Oh my gods. We need to find him!" Melione states in panic. Melione runs blindly into the forest, making me and Percy look at each other in a panic. It wouldn't be fun losing two Hades Children.

We run through the woods with the twigs grazing us, as we eventually stumble upon Melione. But there was something even more worth stumbling upon. A lake with Nymphs.

We all watched in awe as nymphs splashed the sparkling aqua water at each other and brushed their long hair. As we watched, the Nymphs soon noticed us along with the scrawny Hades son. Nico was trapped among the middle of nymphs touching his raven-hair and whispering things, Nico flustered and panicked. For a boy his age he was good at keeping his cool, unlike most men who would lose themselves amongst these beautiful nymphs.

We are quick to make our way over as calmly as we could, but that made the Nymphs even more interested in us. Soon, the nymphs started to gather around us. One touching Percy and dragging him to the lake where Nico was. And the other one dragging Melione also to the lake leaving me standing there dumbfounded. What in the name of Zeus was going on?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2020 ⏰

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