>2< his favorite color on you

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Red—He likes when you match(it's his pop of color)
Baby Blue—He just likes blue lol
Pink—You don't where pink often, so when you do, he loves it.
Blue—Both are powerful colors and they compliment each other nicely
kid blink:
Brown or White—Both are elegant colors and he thinks you feel best about yourself when you are dressed fancier.
Dark Green—He thinks dark green goes well with your skin tone, and it's just also really pretty on you.
Violet—It's a royal color and he thinks you should be treated like a princess/queen.
Yellow—It's a happy color and he wants to make sure you're always happy

a/n: This chapter's kinda short but that's expected since it's just colors lol. I hope you enjoyed and I'll be trying to post a couple more throughout the night just to get it started!
^^121 words before author's note!

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