I Just Know

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A/N: get ready for some Reylo fluff for a couple of chapters 🤗

Bens POV

"No, over there," Rey says as she watches me from the kitchen and unloads our glasses into the cabinet.

I set the bookshelf down where she says and look back up at her. "Good?" She scrunches her nose up and shakes her head.

"No, I like it better where it was."

I pick the bookshelf up again and move it back to where it was before she had me move it. "You're lucky you're cute." I tease as I walk over and kiss her. "By the way, I'm not moving that again."

This is our first day in the apartment together and the unpacking process is in full swing. Poe and Finn helped us bring all of our furniture that we are keeping to the apartment earlier today but left a little while ago. From having so little when I first met her, Rey had accumulated quite a bit of stuff so it'll be a long process to get unpacked.

I walk into the closet where Rey has already unpacked her clothes and they take over about 3/4s of the space. "Where did you get all of these clothes?!" I yell to her, the noise of her unpacking plates in the kitchen drowning out my voice.

"What?" She yells back after the noise has stopped and walks into the closet next to me.

"Where'd all these clothes come from goof?"

"I don't know." She says in an innocent voice and I raise my eyebrow at her. "In my defense, most of these are from TJ Maxx so they were cheap."

I grab her around her waist and playfully bite at her neck. "You're going to make us go broke!" I tease as she screams and giggles in my arms.

"Well, that's why I have a fiancé that has a fancy photographer job." She smiles up at me with a mischievous look.

"I don't think that's how it works missy," I say and back her up against the wall of the closet. She looks at me with a challenging look even though she's the one that's trapped. I start to tickle her sides and she screams again trying to playfully fight me back.

"Ben stop!" She giggles and gasps for air. "I'm going to pee!"

Smut Warning

I stop ticking her and kiss her, pressing myself up against her and pinning her against the wall. She excitedly kisses me back, running her hands immediately into my hair. As I run my hands up under her shirt and up her side, she whispers against my mouth, "we don't have a bed yet." We have ordered a new mattress and bed frame that would be dropped off later this week and we would be sleeping on an air mattress until then.

"Hmmm, that is a problem," I say and look into her hazel eyes. "I was thinking about testing out the water pressure of the shower. Care to join?"

"I think we should definitely test the water pressure." She whispers and I pick her up, carrying her with me to the bathroom.

As soon as I set her down and start the shower warming up, she's already working to remove my shirt and then unbuckle my pants. Her lips are hot on mine and her hands trail up and down my body. I pull her shirt up and over her head and unhook her bra in a fluid motion and then push her back against the wall kissing her, holding her lightly by her throat with one hand and unbuckling her shorts with the other and pulling them down.

She backs up to the shower and hops in and I remove my boxer briefs before stepping in behind her. I stare at her as she wets her hair down, her naked body shining from the water running down it. Before she comes back out from under the water, I impatiently grab her hips and pull her lips to mine, our lips hungry but synchronized, our tongues exploring each other's mouths, the hot water running across our faces.

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