I'm Not Calling You That

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A/N: Time to get a little spicy! I'm not doing smut warnings anymore, so if you don't like reading it just keep scrolling when you can feel it getting spicy. I do like to think I keep it somewhat tasteful so it's not that bad but ya know. 

Bens POV

I haven't seen Rey since we left the rehearsal dinner last night, but when I dropped her off at the hotel afterward, she had leaned over and given me a peck before she ran inside. I'm anxious to see her in her bridesmaid dress but from the way Gwen's brother is talking, Gwen is keeping her plenty busy so I haven't had a chance to find her.

Hux has been a nervous mess all morning, pacing back and forth and downing whiskey whenever I pour it. I'm keeping close tabs on the intake, making sure I don't have him totally sloshed by the ceremony, just numb enough that he chills out a touch.

The ceremony starts at three, so at noon we are scheduled to meet for the first look. I walk out underneath the large pergola with a stone foundation where all of the chairs are set up for the ceremony with Hux and wait.

I watch the door of the mansion open, almost in slow motion, and Rey steps out. As I look at her, I can swear I feel my heart stop beating. Her hair is pulled back in a low bun with soft tendrils around her face, her makeup is perfectly airbrushed on, and she's wearing a form-fitting black dress with a glittery scallop pattern covering it that flares out just below her butt. She looks at me and smiles her big toothy smile and waves. God, I love this woman and I am so lucky.

I turn to Hux and grab his shoulder supportively as he turns around to wait and I go to the entrance of the aisle to wait for the girls. Gwen steps out in a flowing dress with layers of different length tulle and an overwhelming amount of sparkles on the top that continues down her arms. Rey walks a couple of steps behind her, holding her veil off the ground.

"You looking perfect Gweny," I whisper as she passes me and I kiss her cheek lightly.

Hux continues to face away from us at the end of the aisle and Gwen places herself right behind him as Rey fixes her train and veil so they lay nicely. Clicks ring out from the cameras as the photographers rush to get the perfect shot and I watch Rey with awe, trying to figure out what such a beautiful creature is doing with me.

As she walks back down the aisle she looks at me and smiles. "Hi, Handsome." She says and I bend down and kiss her before she finds her place next to me, my hand on her back as we watch Gwen and Hux.

"Rey." I finally muster out and she looks up at me. "You are the most beautiful human I have ever laid eyes on."

"You're biased." She whispers and gives me another kiss, wrapping her arm under my arm and around my back.

"Maybe, but damn." I run my hand through my hair. 

Rey's POV

The ceremony is as beautiful as I had imagined it would be from all the planning Gwen has put into it. I spent most of the ceremony starring at Ben across the front trying to keep my thoughts at bay. Ben in that tux and bow tie are making me weak at the knees and my thoughts are running wild.

At the reception, we sit at the head table flanking Gwen and Hux at a round table so all four of us can see each other while still facing out towards the guests. Gwen didn't want a big bridal party, just one person on each side meaning Ben and I are the only ones of our friends up here. During the cocktail hour, I was able to find Rose and Alan who are back on again after what I swear is their 10th breakup, Finn and Poe who are some of the best dressed as always, and Leia and Han who were just happy to see Ben and I holding hands again. 

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