Don't Be Weird

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Rey's POV

"So you two talked then?" Gwen asks sitting in the pedicure chairs at the nail salon. It's the day before the wedding and she's in full-blown preparation mode and stressing me out a great deal. We started our morning at the reception and ceremony locations setting up and making sure everything was perfect. Gwen being the perfectionist she is insisted on making all of her decorations herself instead of hiring them done. By the time we left, the reception hall was almost completely put together besides the lights that her brother and dad were stringing across the dance floor.

"Yeah we have, actually were doing pretty decent all things considering," I say.

"What does that mean?"

"Well, he's been sleeping in bed with me the last three nights. I even woke up last night in his arms and didn't have the immediate urge to pull away."

"Have you two had sex yet?" She takes a gulp from her mimosa.

"We haven't even kissed since before the fight."

"You're telling me your fiancé looks like that and you haven't kissed him in over a month?"

"It's a trust thing, Gwen." I shrug and look at my fingernails that are now a light shade of pink. "I've never been able to trust people, especially when they have outbursts of anger, that reminds me of my foster parents. That night was a big trigger. I think if he would have come back and tried to fix it the next day I would have been quicker to forgive, but the fact that he took a month made me feel abandoned."

"Have you told Ren that?"

"Yeah, we talked about it last night over dinner." I smile for a second thinking about it. "It was actually the sweetest thing, I came home from class after he had apparently gotten home early, and he had set up this whole evening. He was in dress clothes and the lights were low, he dropped Zori off at his Uncle Luke's a day early since he is keeping her this weekend, so it was just us, and he made me dinner. It was very romantic."

"And you didn't have sex?"

I laugh, "nope we didn't. Just sat and talked, it was good for us."

"I'm glad you two are better. Seeing you two at odds with each other and not being able to be around both of you normally made me sad."

"We're better, I promise."

She smirks at me. "You know what always helps Hux and me after a big fight?"

"I think I know what you're going to say..."

She leans towards me a little and whispers, "really good make up sex." I roll my eyes as she continues and the girls doing our pedicures smile a little. "I'm talking like bend me over the couch or pin me against the wall hot sex where you just let all of that pent up anger out."

"I don't need that mental image."

"Don't knock it until you try it. Trust me, I didn't know Hux was capable of half of that shit until we got in a massive blowout a year ago."

I make a gagging sound and she smacks my arm.

Bens POV

When I get home from work, Rey is already back and getting ready for the rehearsal dinner. She wears only her underwear and bra and is sitting on the bathroom counter with her feet in the sink, shaving her legs.

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