It's perfect

402 18 13

Reys POV

Leia picked me up early this morning in her Lexus and we drove to a local dress shop her friend owns to meet Gwen, Rose, and Poe. She looks beautiful as always, her long hair pulled back in a braid down her back.

"Luke wanted me to give this to you." She says as she hands me an envelope from the center console.

I take it hesitantly and open it, revealing a handwritten card and read it out loud for Leia to hear.

Han, Leia, and I are so excited to welcome you into our family. You're going to have your hands full with that one, but there's no one else I know that's better cut out for the job.

While Leia and Han have decided that they want to pay for your wedding, I knew I wanted to do something special for you. It breaks my heart that you don't have parents to share this with, so I hope you will accept me trying to fill that hole a little. I would like to offer to pay for your dress so you will have the option to pick out the dress of your dreams without being constrained by your budget. I know what it's like to come from so little and I see a lot of myself in you, so I would want nothing more than to help you out and make this special for you.

Have a great day with Leia and I look forward to seeing the dress you picked,


I put the card down and look up at Leia who looks like she's trying to fight back tears.

"Leia, he doesn't need to do that," I say as a tear slips down my own cheek.

"Rey, you've become like the daughter I've never had and Luke and Han both adore you. We all want to do everything we can for you."

"I have money saved up though, I can pay for my own dress," I say trying not to be offensive.

"You're a special human who deserves a special dress, just accept the money and put your money away for life with Ben okay?" She says smiling at me.

"Okay," I say sheepishly as I place the card back into the envelope.

When we get to the dress shop, Gwen and Rose sit in Gwen's car waiting for us with Poe next to them in his. Gwen spots us and gets out as Leia pulls into the spot next to them, there's a giant smile plastered on her face. This is all she's been able to talk about the last week, and I haven't seen her this excited for something since we picked her dress out over the winter.

"This is so exciting!" Gwen says as I get out of the car and she engulfs me in a hug. For someone who wasn't accustomed to hugs growing up, being friends with her has forced me to get used to them. I have no idea how Hux survives living with her and her constant energy.

"Lunch on me after this," I say since Leia and Luke won't let me pay for my dress.

We walk into the bridal shop and I'm immediately overwhelmed by the dresses covering every wall. We head to the back of the store and our consultant joins us to go through the process. The four girls break off and pick out two dresses and almost immediately Gwen picks two but I'm having a more difficult time. "Don't stress about it honey," Leia says behind me. "Just pick two you think are pretty, we can pull more if needed."

I head to the dressing room once I've picked two and look through the ones the girls and Leia picked. There are a couple slimmer looking ones and a poofy one I can guarantee Gwen picked out.

I immediately eliminate three of them the minute I put them on but still show them to the others so Gwen doesn't scold me. After getting out of the horrendous poofy one, I grab a simple white lace dress that I think I saw rose carrying. The consultant helps me into it and I turn around and am shocked by what I see. The lace hugs me perfectly and flows out a little past my hip into a modest length train. The back is completely open with thin straps holding it up over my shoulders, and the top of it plunges slightly between my breasts. It's simple but elegant.

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