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Bens POV

It's the middle of the night and Rey is laying diagonally on my chest mostly on her stomach, our legs intertwined. In her sleep, her fingers twitch sporadically against my side which tickles and is actually what woke me up. I run my hand across her back slowly, causing her to moan a little in her sleep and shift on me with a smile present on her lips, her face slightly illuminated by the moon shining through the windows.

I stare at the ceiling taking deep breaths to settle down but freeze as she runs her hand up my chest, around my neck, and into my hair. "Ben," she whispers, her voice content and soft. "That feels nice," she sighs as I continue to run my hand around on her bare back since we didn't bother to get dressed after our bath.

She shifts up a little and her lips find mine. They're soft and move slowly as she wakes up.

"Are you awake?" She whispers.

"Yes," I confirm.

"Good," she says as she pulls me tight against her and pushes her tongue into my mouth.

"Have a good dream?" I tease.

"Maybe," She whispers back as she rolls on top of me and kisses my neck. "You mind? I can stop."

"Please don't," I whisper back. She grabs my wrists and pulls my hands above my head and has me grab onto the headboard.

"No touching." She orders as I watch her body backlit by the moon move down my body.

"What?" I ask.

"No touching," she orders again. "Keep your hands there or I'll go get something to restrain you."

"Don't threaten me with a good time." I laugh a little as she runs kisses across my entire body, nibbling lightly on my skin, sending intense shivers through every single one of my limbs.

She moves back up, straddling me and leaning forward to kiss me. I strain forward to kiss her, resisting the urge to let go of the headboard and touch her. I watch, completely mesmerized by her as her sillouette sits up, lowers herself onto me, and her head falls back with a gasp.


I wake up to sunlight shining through the windows and our naked bodies tightly wrapped up. Her hair is messy from our escapades in the middle of the night and the sheets are twisted around us. I sneak out from beneath her, careful to not wake her up, and make my way to the bathroom as quietly as possible.

When I return, my phone sitting on the bedside table it lit up and I pick it up, seeing that there is an email that came through overnight titled "Rey" from an email address "nlb_photo." There are four photos in the email and I hesitantly open them hoping it isn't a virus. I'm shocked to see that the first photo is of Rey and Nick sitting at a table in a coffee shop, taken by someone else. She leans across the table and smiles at him as he talks. The second, they're walking on the sidewalk with Zori, their arms touch, but it looks as though they could have just bumped against each other. The third makes my heart start pounding as I look at a photo of them on a bench, Rey sits back laughing, and Nick has his hand on her leg and the other arm on the bench back behind her. The fourth is the one that gets me though, they're standing by Rey's Jeep, her driver's door open and they're kissing. His hands are on her, one on her waist and one on her neck, and both of her hands are on his chest, but it's hard to tell from the angle.

I lock my phone and look at Rey sleeping. My blood is boiling, my head is spinning, and I don't know what to do. I don't know who I'm more mad at, Rey for doing this to me, myself for believing her when she said there wasn't anything going on, or Nick for weaseling his way into our lives. Instead of waking her, I put on my shorts, T-shirt, and tennis shoes and go to the resort gym knowing that I need to clear my head. Before I leave though, I take my ring off my finger and zip it in my suitcase where she won't see it because I need to completely remove myself from the situation for a while while I think about how to handle this.

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