They're Not From Me

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Ben's POV

It's the second week of January and snow is piling up on the windows outside as the wind blows violently. We got back from the bar late last night so Rey is still asleep in bed, but I couldn't sleep anymore so I got up to make breakfast for us.

The bedroom door opens and I look over my shoulder as she walks out, her hair is up in a messy bun, and her bare legs peek out from under one of my sweatshirts that she has claimed as her own.

"Morning," she mumbles as I lean down to give her a kiss from my spot in front of the stove.

"Morning, how did you sleep?" I ask while flipping the French toast to make sure it's done.

"Pretty well," she finds a spot at the counter and sips on her coffee sleepily. I love her face in the morning, it's so soft when it's clear of any makeup and her freckles are even more pronounced.

I put a couple of pieces of french toast on plates and scoop some fruit as well before setting the plates down, one in front of her and one in my spot.

"So you excited to start student teaching Tuesday?" I ask as she hands the syrup to me.

"I am, but I'm super nervous at the same time."

"How come?" I turn on the stool so I can look at her more easily.

"It's a big step," she says as she swallows the bite in her mouth. "I'm teaching 7th graders up to seniors in high school. I'm only 4 years older than some of those students."

"You're going to be great," I assure her.

"But what if I'm not? What if I wasted the last four years studying for something that isn't my calling?"

"Rey," I spin her on the stool so her knees are between mine and she has to look at me. "You are one of the brightest and most confident people I know. That alone is going to make you a good teacher. You're also one of the most caring and empathetic people. You care so deeply for everyone around you and feel the pain of whatever it is they're going through. That will make you a great teacher because they're going to know just how much you care and love them all."

"You think so?" Her eyes are soft and huge as she looks up at me.

"Without a shadow of a doubt." I lean forward and kiss her before we turn back to our plates.

"Tomorrow is your first solo shoot right?" She asks with a mouthful of food again.

"Yeah, you want to come?"

"I can do that?" She asks excitedly.

"Absolutely. I would love to have you there."

"Then it's a date," she smiles and leans over to give me a quick peck.


Rey's POV

I sit in a chair on the side of the room watching as Ben makes his rounds talking to the crew and the models. He had properly prepared me and warned me that Voi would be one of the models today, but his honesty made me relax significantly so I really don't care.

I can't help but smile as I watch him in his jeans bending over and squatting to get the right angle. His determination and focus is amazing and I love watching him when he's in work mode. Butterflies form as I watch him flip his hair back before resting the camera back on his eye to snap a photo of Voi, Janette, and another girl who I think is named Jessa.

"Hey you," I freeze at the sound of the familiar voice and the new presence in the chair next to me. I turn to find Nick smiling at me, his arm resting on the back of both of our chairs.

The Intern - SEQUEL to The MentorWhere stories live. Discover now