Christmas With My Loves

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A/N: Anyone recognize that title? 😏

Bens POV

Rey and I pull up to the front door of my parent's house, the driveway void of cars still because they asked us to come over early so we could help set up for the Christmas party. They had opened the party up to more people this year to include some of our friends like Gwen, Hux, and Poe and moved it back a few days so it fell on the Saturday after Christmas instead of Christmas Eve. We of course had had our family Christmas with my parents, Uncle Luke, and my grandparents on Christmas day as we usually did. Rose and Finn were both down in Bighton with their families but Rey insisted that Poe should still join us. Actually, Poe and I had started getting close again since Rey and I fixed things so I was glad he was coming. He and I found a local soccer league to join together since we couldn't do intramurals anymore and oftentimes would grab a couple of drinks together afterward. Even some of his friends from high school that he was still in touch with had started to warm up to me as well.

"Hello?" I yell through the large house as Rey and I strip our coats off in the foyer.

"Where are they?" Rey says to me as she wipes her heeled boots on the rug to get the melted snow off of them.

"No idea." I place my hand on the middle of her back and we walk through the house, both of our boots clicking on the tile. "Hello?" I yell again, glancing into the formal sitting room on our way to the kitchen. Well, that's weird, usually, my mom has music playing and they're jumping on us the minute we pull into the driveway.

We reach the end of the short hallway and step into the kitchen expecting to find my mom prepping food but instead we find all of our friends and family. Rey jumps back into me at the shock as they all yell "SURPRISE!"

"What the hell mom?" I laugh and Gwen charges at us with her arms open for a hug.

My mom walks to me and pulls me down to her level for a hug. "You two had a tough first five months of your engagement, I figured we owed you a proper engagement party... plus it was easy to pair with Christmas with more people being home." She smiles and my Dad grabs my shoulder as he moves to give a Rey a hug. Whenever she's around, I am chopped liver to him because he thinks she is the sweetest and most perfect human outside of my mom of course.

"Ben Buddy." I hear a booming voice from behind me and find my Dad's best friend.

"Oh my gosh, Lando." I grab one of his hands and we reach our others around to pat each other on the back. "How are you?"

"Doing just fine kid." He laughs. "Never thought I'd see this day though, you always were kind of a wild child. I guess it took the right girl to settle you down."

"Speaking of." I turn and pull on Rey's hand, pulling her away from Gwen. "This is Rey. Rey, this is Lando."

"Hi." Rey smiles at him as she wraps her arm around me.

"Nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you from Han and Luke." He shakes her hand.

"Likewise," Rey says and releases his hand.

"You two have a lot of people to talk to, but we should catch up later okay kid?" Lando says to me and I lead Rey into the busy living room.

It amazing, my mom was able to get everyone here, even Finn and Rose who had told Rey they couldn't make it. There are some of our distant family, my Grandma and Grandpa Organa, neighbors, some other friends of ours, and even some professors such as Dr.Williams, Dr.Kenobi, and Maz. They really went all out for this.

I introduce Rey to as many people as I can as the night goes, being careful to never let go of her because she gets easily overwhelmed in large groups.

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