You've Met?

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Bens POV

I wake up alone in bed to the sound of Rey laughing in the kitchen. The sun shines past the curtains a little telling me it's mid-morning and when I roll to the clock, it reads 10:37 am meaning I slept for around twelve hours.

I get out of bed and pad over to use the bathroom and put on my black joggers and a white T-shirt. There's a second voice coming from the kitchen so it's probably best for me to actually put clothes on.

I open the door to the kitchen and find Rey leaning against the kitchen counter and a man who looks like Finn from the back sitting at the island, but I know the voice isn't his. He turns at the sound of the door, revealing that it's Nick... from work which is strange because he and I aren't friends.

"Morning baby," Reys says as I walk next to her and give her a kiss. Nick watches us from his spot on the other side of the island with a weird smirk on his face.

"Morning," I say as I turn to the coffee pot and fill up a mug without looking at our guest.

"Nick stopped by the hospital this morning but they told him that we had gone home so he came here instead to see us."

"Us?" I question still not acknowledging Nick.

"Yeah, us." She says without thinking anything of it. "When you were still in a coma, Nick came by to see you but obviously you weren't awake. He came back a bunch of other times to keep me company."

"Ah." I lean carefully against the counter and sip my coffee.

"How ya feeling man?" Nick asks casually.

"I've been better," I say with a clipped tone, my arms crossed across my front and leaning on the counter next to Rey.

"Nick was just telling me about the project you and him started back in June," Rey says as she runs her fingers up and down my back aimlessly.

"Yeah actually I just got it edited up and it has been sent to print, I'll bring a copy over for you," Nick says excitedly, looking at Rey but not at me. I don't trust this guy.

"Nick if you wouldn't mind, my Fiance and I haven't spent much time with each other for 6 weeks, so I'd like to be alone with her," I say with a straight expression.

"Yeah, no problem." He stands up and rinses the mug out, setting it in the sink. I don't like how familiar he seems to be in my home. "Rey, nice to see you." He walks over and kisses her cheek which makes me feel extremely territorial. "Ben see you at work soon?" He says as he shakes my hand.

"I'll be back in a week," I say watching him walk to the door and he nods in acknowledgment.

"See ya, Nick," Rey yells and the door clicks shut.

I make my way over to the stool Nick was sitting on and take a seat myself. Rey doesn't say anything and pours herself more coffee.

"Didn't know you two knew each other," I say, staring at my mug, trying to keep my tone even so she doesn't get defensive.

"Yeah, he came to sit with me at the hospital a lot." She leans on the counter towards me.

"Did he say why?"

"He said he felt bad for me and you two had gotten off on a good note so he wanted to support me."

"Rey, the last encounter we had was me calling him out for sleeping with almost all of the models at work and Janette pretty much had to stop me from knocking him out. I wouldn't exactly call us friends." I say seriously.

She pulls her mouth in a thin line while she thinks. "You're positive he slept with them?"

"It doesn't matter, it's in the past," I say exasperated and not wanting to start a fight. "What do you want to do today?"

The Intern - SEQUEL to The MentorWhere stories live. Discover now