Wedding Bells

434 19 28

Rey's POV

It's the third week of June and finally the day of our wedding finally. A year ago yesterday is the day of Bens accident and it's crazy to look at just how much we have grown and matured as a couple through everything life has thrown at us this year. I just finished out Student teaching a few weeks ago after graduating from Crait University with Honors and have secured a job for the upcoming fall semester.

There's a ton of activity around me as the makeup artist puts the finishing touches on my face and Gwen runs around the room making sure everything is perfect. They've been hiding Ben from me since I woke up this morning and I'm anxious to see him especially with the surprise I have for him. Rose sits in the chair opposite me as the hairstylist pins her hair up in a bun and smiles at me every time the makeup artist does something else to my face.

Ben always tells me that he loves my hair down, so I've been working on growing it out for this day so I could wear it down. At this point, it hits the middle of my back so the hairstylist curled my hair into soft curls that lay softly on my shoulders. The front portion of my hair is pulled back and tied up where the veil is connected with a clip that Leia wore at her and Han's wedding. From the story she shared with me, it belonged to her and Luke's birth mother Padme, so I knew it was special to their family to honor her today.

Despite being my Man of Honor, Poe has been spending most of the morning with Ben and Hux and the two other groomsmen which doesn't really bother me because it's not like there's much for him to do here right now while getting ready. Ben doesn't have a lot of close friends, but he ended up asking Janette's Husband Alan as we've been spending a lot of time with those two, along with his cousin from Han's side of the family.

Gwen holds my veil up behind me as Leia holds my dress open for me to step into it. I hold the straps up on my shoulders as Leia moves behind me to secure the few buttons that hold it together right at the bottom of my back. She walks back in front of me and grabs my hands with tear pooling in her eyes. "I have the most beautiful daughter."

"Daughter in law." I correct her.

"I don't care about the 'in-law' part," she grabs my chin lightly. "You're marrying my son, you're my daughter now."

I lean forward and hug her, careful not to get makeup on either of our dresses or mess up our hair. Leia wears her hair in a twisted braid that almost looks like a crown around her head and a deep blue dress that has sparkles across the entire thing.

"Rey, Han, and Luke are here. Can I let them in?" Rose asks. I nod as Gwen rushes to fix my veil and the two men walk in. They're wearing navy blue suits that match the ones that we picked out for Ben and the Groomsmen.

"Oh my goodness." Luke walks to me and wraps me in a hug. "You look stunning."

"All because of you." I smile. "I know I've said it multiple times, but thank you so much."

"You're so special to all of us, I'm glad I could help out."

"Hi, Sweetheart." Han gives me a gentle hug. "Beautiful as always."

"Thank you, Han." I smile as he releases me.

"Ready for the first look?" Gwen touches my arm and I nod.

"Don't forget." Rose holds up the thin black box with my surprise for Ben.

"Wow Rey." A voice says behind me and I turn to find Poe who has snuck into the room. He's dressed in his blue suit with a floral dusty blue tie that makes him stand out from the groomsmen and matches the color of the bridesmaid's dresses. "Ben is going to lose it when he sees you." He lightly kisses my cheek, checking to make sure he didn't mess up my make up as he pulls away.

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