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Rey's POV

*Time Jump*

"Ben pick her up." Leia orders from the end of the sidewalk over the camera. Ben releases his hand from my lower back and bends over to pick up the toddler from the pavement who refuses to stand up.

"Kira, be good for Daddy," I warn and she smiles at me with her 'I'm up to no good grin,' her hazel eyes gleaming at me. Her brown hair is attempting to escape the two buns I put it up in this morning and her cheeks are pink from being in the sun all day.

Ben holds her on his side, his arm wrapped around her back, and his hand holding her leg. She smiles at him sweetly and lays her head on his chest, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "There you go sweetheart," he says softly as he strokes her back.

"Okay, take two," Leia says and we turn back to her. Ben wraps his free arm around my back again and I shift the fussy 1-year-old in my arms. "Rey, can you move Beckett back so we can see him?" I do as she says and rotate him so he facing forward on my side. "And Kira honey, look at Grandma," she says joyfully.

"Zori sit," Ben commands, and the middle-aged Husky sits obediently between us, right on Ben's foot.

"Okay good, now smile before the moment is lost," she orders and snaps a bunch of pictures in a row. I try not to laugh as Han and Luke make faces and dance behind Leia trying to keep the attention of the kids and dog.

Following Leia's requests, Han and Luke take the kids from us and Leia shuffles Ben and I back together in front of the white bungalow. She moves around quickly trying to get the best angle and Ben rolls his eyes at me.

"I saw that young man," Leia scolds and looks at the photos on her phone quickly. "That should be good, thank you."

We say our goodbyes to Bens's parents and Luke, following the housewarming party that we had in the backyard today. The kids are tired and fussy so I've been trying to get everyone to leave for a while so we can put them down.

"I got bath time," Ben says as we make our way up the stairs to the kid's bedrooms. We've been in the house for a little under a month so we've fallen into a routine and I've gotten most of the house set up since I'm still on summer vacation from my teaching job.

I rock Beckett gently in the chair until he's asleep, his lips parted and his soft little lashes resting on his rosy cheek. Even after he has fallen asleep, I sit there for a while just enjoying the silence and soaking up the feeling of holding him because I'm quickly learning how fast they grow up. Carefully, I place him in the crib with his sleep sack and turn the baby monitor on as I leave the room.

Ben has Kira in her room following bath time. For some reason when he gets her ready for bed it always goes so much smoother but I think that's just because she's a Daddy's girl. Plus Kira has my attitude and sass so we clash whenever she is tired and fussy. I peek into her room and find Ben and Kira both asleep. He leans against her headboard under the blanket with her and she's wrapped up in his arms, her head on his chest and her little arms curled up under her chin. The book he had been reading lays on his lap, one hand still on it, and the other resting softly on her back.

I walk to the bed and gently take the book, close it, and set it back on the bookshelf. "Ben," I whisper as I run my hand along his cheek. He draws in a quick breath and starts to shift as he wakes up. "Don't wake her," I whisper quickly and point down causing him to look down his chest at Kira and freeze, his eyes half open and groggy.

I hold the blanket up as he sneaks out of the bed, gently moving Kira so she is laying with her head on her pillow and we tuck the blanket back around her. "Night honey," I say quietly as I kiss her hair. "I love you," I say in a whisper and click the lamp off, leaving the night light.

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