Gardening is hard

530 11 7

Take this a ship, or take is as platonic, your choice.       ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I got this idea from Ren's stream today (June 6th) when he was complaining about being horrible at gardening and that he should probably ask Doc for help.

also. I don't watch Doc (yet, gotta catch up with others first) so I'm sorry if I mess anything up.

also also, I have no idea how gardening works, so beware of my BS lol


Warnings: None lol
Ship: Ren×Doc if you want???
Words:  588
Dissapointment level: 8/10?


"And that is how I killed about half of my grass"

Ren chuckled, walking along with DocM through the savana. the memories of Ren The Kid's death still fresh, but no one really cared.. right?

"Wow, that's gotta suck dude"

Doc laughed, wondering what that's gotta look like. Rendog, the one true cyberdog, failing to mow his lawn. Dang, what a sight.

"I was wondering if you could help me out?"

Ren asked randomly, a shy smile spreading across his face. the two stopped in front of RTK's resting place. Ren fidgited with the loose Overall strap that was way too long and hung just under his sholder.

"I think so, just call me up when you're thinking would be a good time"

the hybrid grinned, Ren's blue eyes lighting up with excitement. The cyber dog dug through his inventory, grabbing a laying aorund diamond block, handing it over to Doc.

"Alright! let's freaking do this then!"

Docs eyebrows raised on surprise. a diamond block just for gardening? The goat father shook his head, pushing the Diamond block in Ren's hands back to him.

"Gardening is a thing I like to do, so no need to pay man"

Doc explained, crossing his arms, getting a surprised expression from the fellow hermit.

Ren Diggity Dog POV

So how did I get here again?
oh yea, almost freaking killing all my grass.

We were sitting in the jungle, a few Tools I've never seen or heared of on Doc's left.

[A/N: I really have no idea how gardening works..]

After a annoyingly long time of Doc explaining the tools, we finaly got to work..

Third Person POV

The two hermits got to work, starting to dig a few holes for flowers, putting around just to help the plants out.

The two had fenced off an area of the jungle beside tatooren, just enough space to start a little garden.

"I don't get it, WHY do you need to plant them a hand print apart??"

Ren asked, sitting beside a pile of plans packed together in plastic containers ready to plant.

"So the roots don't tangle up, Ren"

Doc laughed, pulling out a tulip from one of the containers, handing it carefully to Ren. the cyber dog accepted it in his hands and stared at the thin roots being the only thing keeping the small block of dirt aorund it.

earlier that hour they had dug holes for all the flowers, just enough for each one they got. Ren put the tulip into one of the holes in the ground, putting some dirt around it with a proud smile.

"Like this right?"

He asked, looking up at the hybrid.

"Yea! just like that"

Doc smiled, Ren's expression changing to a confident grin.

"Lllllladies! get in line"

Ren grinned, pushing his hair out of his way ready to continue.

after a few hours the small 8×6 guarden was filled with flowers and, Doc now reminding Ren for the amilionth time of how to take care of them.

"Remember to water them once every two days"

Doc said for the 4th time, getting an annoyed grumble from the other male. After abit of an argument of Ren trying to prove Doc that he got this and he can take care of the flowers.

the two hermits stood outside the master piece, nothing but amazement and excitement on Ren's face. Doc smiled, putting his fist out for Ren, the male giving him a fist pump with a grin.

"Hey Doc? thanks man"

"It's no problem Dude"


Oof. I nEeD mOrE iDeAs lMaOoOoOoooOo

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