The Outbreak

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          Taylor and Lysandra headed back to the castle after a long walk. Aelin came to meet them at the gates. She looked over both of them. "I thought you were supposed to be inside." She rolled her eyes at her mother. This was getting a little annoying. "I remember that you were allowed to get up on your feet sooner than I was so I would hardly call this fair." Her mother started walking back up. "Come on its dinner already." 

            They all headed up to the dining hall. Everyone else was there. Manon sat next to Elide and Asterin. Taylor sat down next to Asterin and Soaren, the second oldest and her brother. He had Ashryver eyes and silver hair. "Hey I heard you fainted," Soaren whispered in her ear. "I thought only inexperienced people fainted." She turned and glared at him. "At least I know how to use my magic unlike you." She retorted. "Don't pick a fight with her tonight Soaren," Asterin warned from Taylor's other side. Taylor gave her a smile thanking her. He didn't seem offended which was unusual. His smile grew. "Oh in those days you were out I started magic training with father." Ignoring Asterin's warning. Her nostrils flared and she glared at him. "So actually I know how to use my magic better." "Don't listen to him," Asterin whispered next to her. He continued on while she tried to ignore him but that never works. "So I should be next in line for the throne actually, not-" He didn't get to finish that sentence. She whirled around, grabbed the front of his shirt, and her fist connected with his face. She hit him twice. The second time she lost her grip and he flew backward out of his chair. She heard her youngest sister Aellyra gasp. Her beautiful little sister with sapphire eyes that went back to a lineage even Taylor did not know and beautiful golden hair like Aelin. Breanna ushered the other kids out, even Elide and Lorcan's son. Once she heard the doors close, she stood up and drew her daggers the same time he did too. He stood up and tried to go into the offense, but she slashed with one dagger and angled the other to go straight into his rib cage. A move her mother had taught her. She could feel her mother watching her with a smile and heard Manon cheer her on. Soaren blocked the fatal slice into his ribs but wasn't fast enough to block the one slashing for his side. He snarled at her as she dropped her daggers one edged with blood. She made it so that it was only a shallow slice. She gave him a smile that made people throw the first punch. He did and he made to tackle her and she knew it but she had underestimated how fast he lunged and he brought her to the ground and pinned her. His fist met her nose and she heard a crack. Warm blood trickled down the side of her face from her nose. Before he could render another blow she got her legs under him and sent him careening into the stone wall. He tried to get up but his left arm failed him and he fell back down. Picking up the dagger lying on the floor she walked over to him glaring at her and whispered, "Asterin warned you." She knocked the hilt of her dagger into the side of his head and he collapsed unconscious. She just walked out the door and Asterin caught up to her down the hall. "He totally deserved it. Your mother looks proud so I'm guessing she heard the conversation beforehand. Do you want me to set your nose, it looks like it's broken?" They paused and Taylor nodded. She set it quickly, with a snap and a blinding pain, then just an ache slowly dying down. They headed off again. They were almost to her rooms when she looked to Asterin and saw her smiling. She was about to ask why when something moved in the shadows behind her and a flash of quicksilver. "Duck!" She yelled to Asterin who immediately dropped to the floor, Taylor doing the same. A dagger bounced off the stone wall where their heads were. Asterin unsheathed her iron nails and teeth and slashed at the figure now trying to flee. She was going to kill that person. As if she had said as much the person sped up with unnatural speed up as Asterin gave chase. Taylor saw it was going down the stairs and leapt from the top safety rail and landed just short, right behind it. She grabbed the hood and yanked. It was thrown backwards and hit its head on the stairs rendering him unconscious.

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