Rainy Days

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        Taylor left Brydan and Breanna playing the board games while she went and grabbed lunch for all of them. Of course she had drawn the short stick between her and Brydan. She stalked down the halls and into the kitchens. Emrys had just finished and was setting out the food. She grabbed a big tray and put food onto three plates for each of them. As she was pouring herself a glass of water Emrys said to her, "Do you know who might have taken two chocolate pastries this morning?" She made herself looked confused. "Who would do that?" she said with outrage. He raised his eyebrows. "Maybe someone who loves chocolate like her mother, and who was trained by a former assassin to be able to sneak up on someone like that." She kept her face neutral. "I don't know what you're implying." He pointed the spoon at her. "For the rest of the week you're on kitchen duty." "What!" He gave her a pointed look. "Fine. I'll be there tomorrow morning." He gave her a satisfied look. "If I knew I would've been caught I wouldn't have done it." she mumbled walking out the kitchen doors.

         When she reached her room where Brydan and Breanna were still playing her mood hadn't gotten any better. "What happened now?" Brydan asked noticing her mood. "I got caught." she said glumly. "For what?" Breanna asked shocked. "For stealing the pastries from Emrys." she admitted. "You stole those! You told me Emrys gave those to us!" Breanna squawked with outrage. Taylor just winced. "I'm on kitchen duty in the mornings for the rest of the week." Brydan let out a low whistle. "That's why you were sneaking out of the kitchen earlier." he noted. "Will you stop criticizing me and eat the food that I reluctantly brought you." She made sure to give Brydan the smallest bowl. "Hey why did I get the smallest one, I eat more than you two?" Brydan asked. "I really doubt that you can ask Soaren, he knows. And also don't make me get the food if you don't want a small bowl." she said. He rolled his eyes and though he had the smallest bowl Taylor and Breanna still managed to finish before him. When Taylor glanced at his bowl he was still eating out of she said, "I told you." Brydan just looked shocked as she stood up and grabbed the pile of books she set aside. "Where are you going?" asked Breanna as she opened the door. "Just dropping off some books." she answered. "Some?" asked Brydan looking at the heaping pile of books in her arms. "Are you going to need help with those?" he asked. "Maybe." she said almost dropping some. He grabbed half of the stack and walked out the door. "Aren't you coming?" he called. She said to Breanna, "We'll be back soon okay?" And she headed off after Brydan. How he knew where to go, she had no idea.

         Taylor and Brydan walked in complete silence. They opened Liara's door when she didn't answer and set the books down next to he door. They were walking back when Soaren came around the corner and bumped into her. "Hey. Watch it." Soaren said. Like it was her fault, he wasn't paying attention either. "Are you walking with your boyfriend, Princess?" She snarled at him. He snickered and started walking again. Oh, he was going to deserve this. She flung a dagger at his head which embedded in the wall an inch in front of his face. He yelped jumping back. "Two can play that game." he snarled and lunged with a dagger in each hand. She met it with two of her own. She gave him a bittersweet smile. "You're going to have to try harder than that." she said. Glancing back at Brydan, she saw him leaning against the opposite wall watching. She said to him, "This may take a while so you can head back if you want." He gave her a lazy smile. "And why would I miss such an exciting show?" She rolled her eyes. She felt the air shift in front of her. She whirled as Soaren brought down the sword he unsheathed. She met with her daggers but he caught her off guard and she yielded a step. "Shouldn't let your boyfriend distract you." he taunted. That was enough. She willed strength into her arms and shoved Soaren back. She sheathed the daggers and drew her sword. Soaren went wide eyed. She gave him a wicked smile as she advanced. He could see the rage simmering off her. He raised his sword. He lunged, she sidestepped and still advancing, she parried another blow from him with ease. She lunged as he did, and with a twist of her sword, his was on the ground. She pointed her sword at his throat. "I wouldn't say those things if I were you." she warned him before sheathing her blade. She turned and walked down the hall, Soaren didn't say anything as Brydan followed her. When they got back Breanna was asleep on the bed. "I don't think I have ever seen anyone throw a dagger at someone's head for just taunting them." Brydan whispered to her. "I think he deserved it so I don't exactly feel bad. And if you haven't seen anyone do that before, then you clearly haven't met my court. It happens pretty often." she whispered back. "Well then I should be thanking you right now for not doing it to me. All you've done is make me fall on stairs and hit my head, and knee me in the face." She scowled. "I had good reasons to do those things." she whispered angrily. He laughed, careful not to wake Breanna and whispered to her as he was opening the door, "See you at dinner." And then he was gone. Taylor got in bed across from Breanna and was asleep as her head hit the pillow.

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