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           It took them days to reach the two bridges that led to the city. From what Rowan said, this place looked similar, but there was more life here and just the way everyone acted was better now that they didn't sometimes fear Maeve's wrath and lording. But he remarked on how much lively and happier the people seem. This place was full of life. She could see that even though she was walking along the bridge still. As they walked into the city she saw fae in their animal forms just walking along the streets. Breanna skipped ahead of everyone, she was probably by far the most excited. She looked at one of the candy shops. She ran over to Taylor and Brydan and grabbed their hands. She led them into the shop. Brydan gave her a look as if to say, are we going to let her get more excited by eating candy?  She elbowed him. "She hardly ever gets this excited. Let her have fun," she whispered. Breanna was usually calm and quiet, but it was too much to bear this time she guessed. Taylor handed her some money to get a small bit of candy. Brydan pulled her aside. "Taylor, there's something I need to tell you-" "Taylor! They have chocolates!" Breanna said holding up a bag of some. "I'll be right back," she said to him. He protested then sighed as if to say, Fine I'll just wait here. She and Breanna picked some out for Soaren too. Rowan opened the door. "Come on, Sellene won't want to wait much longer." Taylor and Breanna walked out the doors with Brydan a step behind them. They handed Soaren his small bag of candy. He scowled. "Why do I get a small bag?" Taylor stuck her tongue out at him and Breanna said plainly with a shrug, "You didn't come in, so be thankful we got you any." Taylor nodded her agreement. 

            Rowan didn't want to make a big entrance telling everyone they were here despite Taylor's wishes. So they took the back entrance through some less used, old streets. As they neared a corner Rowan shouted a warning. The warning caught her off guard as she looked to her father and sister. She was hit by a blast of power. 

           Her head ached. She opened her eyes and looked around blearily. They were all there and were looking at her and monitoring her. Liara was holding her head and shoulders off the ground. "What happened?" she asked as she stood up slowly. "Those soldiers again," Brydan said looking around a little nervously. It wasn't that noticeable other than the fact that he kept glancing at the shadows along the street. Rowan stalked off and shifted in a burst of white light. His hawk form soared above the city and out of sight. "Get to the palace and tell Sellene that we will be there soon," she said to Breanna and Liara. "Brydan, Soaren, come with me." She lit up her hand to illuminate the shadows. She heard her friend and her sister hurriedly start walking down the street to the palace. They tracked the soldiers to a dead-end alley where their tracks just stopped. Taylor whirled around as she heard light footsteps drop down onto the street. These soldiers were dressed from head to toe in black with their kingdom's emblem on the front in a black darker than the rest, just enough to be noticed. One female in the center stepped forward and threw back her hood. She had long brown hair and honey-brown-colored eyes. As she smiled Taylor got a better glimpse of why she looked somewhat familiar. That smile was the same she had looked at every day for weeks now, one that belonged to the male she loved. 

           "Well done brother," the female said her smile turning into something wicked. Brother. The word clanged through her. She looked to Brydan who was staring at his sister in shock. He looked to where Taylor had turned to him. Something like devastation entered his gaze. Taylor backed away from where she had stood next to him. "No," she breathed as she realized what was happening. He was never sent from Sellene, he was sent from Karatall. She looked at Soaren who had his sword out and glanced at her. He saw the words in her eyes, Go. Soaren shook his head. "Please," she whispered. Soaren ignored her and flipped his sword in his hand. As she looked back at the soldiers she saw Brydan's sister lash out a hand. A spear of dark power shot from it and wrapped around Soaren. The dark spear of power dragged Soaren over to her, stumbling as he tried to plant his feet. With the power around his neck, and binding his arms and legs now he couldn't even attempt to escape. For the first time in her life, Taylor felt helpless. Utterly helpless, as there was nothing she could dot to save her brother. If she tried to use her magic who knows what she would do to Soaren, maybe she would kill him. So she stepped forward. "Let him go and I will come with you. Without a fight," she added. Brydan started. His sister nodded at the compromise. Taylor threw her sword and the rest of her weapons down. She slowly walked over to them. Brydan's sister bound her hands with her power. "Now let him go," she said. "I think the Queen would prefer that I brought both of you," she said with sweet venom. The lying two-faced-. "Brydan let's go home," she said slightly softer. As if she did care about him. "No, Sera," he snarled. "Let them go." "No," Sera replied clearly getting irritated. Before Brydan could snap a reply Taylor asked him, "Were you deceiving me the entire time? Did you really ever love me?" Though she already knew, she still wanted to hear it. And this was to buy them time for her family to find them. He looked at her and even though she felt as though she hated him, she would sell away her soul for him to not look like that. "I ... At first, it was all a game to get you away and to take you. But then I really did fall in love with the girl who saved me, who made me laugh, and who loved me when no one else did, at least not in the way that matters." he said upon seeing the brief devastated look on Sera's face. "You put me in danger, you put countless others at Mistward in danger, and worst of all, you put my family in danger." "I know, I'm sorry." Sera looked somewhat shocked at what she saw. Then it changed as one of the soldiers whispered something to her. "Brydan it's time to go. You can have this talk later." As they all started down more dark alleyways Brydan saw there was nothing he could do but go with them. If he ran off to find Rowan then he wouldn't be able to find them again most likely. So he walked with them. She only realized when nobody glanced at them once in the open that one of the soldiers had put up and illusion, so that the people saw normal fae walking towards the bridge ahead. Taylor didn't try to fight back for Soaren who was still bound and had the ring of dark power around his neck. So they walked out of Doranelle and into the forests where no one would find them.

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