The Visit

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        Taylor slowly walked which turned into a run, over to Breanna. She slid to her knees in front of her, she grabbed her hands and looked over her for any sign of hurt or distress. "Are you okay? What happened? Why are you here? How are you here?" Soaren with his arm still in a sling, bandages peeking through his shirt, and a bruise on his cheekbone that was slowly fading, cut in, "One, we flew over the forests, and two, I am here too why is everybody ignoring me I'm a Prince!" She shot him a glare. "Everybody is ignoring you because you are being a pest, so shut up." "Taylor, be nice to your brother," Rowan said from the opposite end of the table. She rolled her eyes. "Breanna come with me." 

          Still holding Breanna's hand she led her to her room and said you can stay in a room with me or you can stay with Soaren. "I would prefer it here." She said quickly. It's not that everybody hates Soaren it's just he is so aggravating only his friends, Aelin, Rowan, Landon, and Aellyra are the only ones who can stand him. "Why are you here?" she asked Breanna again. "I wanted to come and see Doranelle too, so I left as soon as I heard from mother that you three left. And of course, Soaren was the only capable one left to take me so if I wanted to go he had to come. And he said he wanted to come so he could embarrass you in front of the male he thinks you like." "What! What male?" She looked at Taylor as if she were crazy. "The one you like to talk to, the one who came with you on the trip." "Brydan? No, I don't like him, he was sent to bring me so he is bringing me to Sellene. I can't be embarrassed by Soaren because he literally saw me fall off my bed this morning because he scared me awake. And one, he is just as bad as Soaren sometimes and he gets on my nerves. And two, why would I like him he is just arrogant, and cocky." Breanna gave her a smile as if there was something that everyone but she could see. "One, that sounds just like someone else I know. And two, I said he thinks." she chided. Before Taylor could retort she asked, "Are there any other clothes here, I don't like wearing traveling clothes for days straight." Taylor sighed. "I will find your clothes here, don't ruffle your feathers." Breanna gave her a small glare which made Taylor smile to herself.

         "Liara do you know where I could find any clothes for Breanna?" Liara looked up from her book. She set her book down and stood up. "Here, just wait one minute. I'll grab some." She hurried down the hall and was back again with clothes neatly folded and looked similar to Taylor and Liara's own. "Thank you. I will come by after lunch to bring those books I mentioned." Liara smiled at her. "Take your time I have many others I can read." Taylor smiled back and walked back out the door and down the halls to her rooms.

        She opened the door to her rooms to find Breanna talking to Brydan at one of the small tables in the room. She sketched a brow. "And what is the special occasion this time." Brydan turned to her. "Am I not aloud to personally introduce myself to your siblings?" When she glared at him he said, "I already met your charming brother. He told me a couple stories, one of why he looks so beat up. I didn't know how severe your temper tantrums were." Her eyes were glowing with rage at him. "One he insulted me-" "I wasn't trying to get you to have another one." he chuckled. "I know what he said, and I now see why you don't get along. He deserved getting stabbed and slammed into a stone wall." She was shocked by the truth in those words. "Well-Um, thank you." she said trying to collect herself. "You may leave now." she said and stepped away from the still open doorway. He nodded and when he was at the door he said for only her to hear, "You had some pretty good fighting skills the other day. I was impressed. Good luck." Before she could answer he had shut the door with a click. She debated about going after him to talk but opted for giving Breanna the clothes that were still in her arms. She let Breanna change in the connected bathroom. 

          After a while of talking Breanna wanted to play some kind of game. They stepped into the hall and looked out the windows to see it was raining. They decided they wanted to just play a board game instead. Taylor went out in search of one. There was Emrys cooking in the kitchen when she went by and she smelled chocolate. She poked her head in to see two chocolate pastries that had just finished being cooked. Emrys was faced in the other direction so she saw it as her chance. She padded in on silent feet and snatched the two pastries before Emrys could notice. She stepped into the hall and shut the door silently. When she turned away there was someone standing in front of her watching. She yelped and on instinct kicked the person in the knee. The kick made their knee buckle and they fell onto their knees. She rammed her own knee into the person's face. They fell backwards. She made the brazier on the wall light up brighter so she could see them. On his back was Brydan holding his head back to stop the bloody nose she gave him. "Gods, Brydan are you okay?" she whispered helping him up. "Kind of." he answered. She glared at him. "Don't you know not to sneak up on someone when it's dark." "Apparently not." he replied. "Go to Breanna she has some supplies that will help with that back at our rooms. I'll be there in a minute." He listened and walked off down the hall. Taylor headed down the halls and got to Liara's room. She knocked on the door. Liara answered and gave her a couple different board games to play with Breanna. 

         When Taylor got back to the rooms, Brydan's bloody nose had stopped and she handed Breanna a chocolate pastry. "You don't get one for sneaking up on me." she explained to Brydan. But she let him stay, so they all played a board game. Brydan it seemed was not very good at these but neither was she. As long as she did something right it was all bragging and arrogance, but when she messed up or she was severely behind, anyone who tried to reason with her got their head bit off for it. And Breanna to no surprise was always ahead and winning somehow. So they played board games all the way to lunchtime.

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