Chapter 33

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           They were put in cells next to each other. Or more like thrown into the cells, as in the guards nearly threw her into the wall. She had threatened to gut them, one, rightly so, looked like he was about to wet himself, while the other just laughed saying that she should watch her mouth because there would be no one to hear her screams if something happened. She had just given him a vulgar gesture in return. Now she sat starting to drift off when a voice asked, "Did you know?" She didn't turn to him. "Yes, for a while." "Why didn't you tell me?" This time she did turn to him. The cell was tiny so she was sitting almost right next to him. "Because word might get out and I couldn't let them use it against me. That's what happened to my parents," she explained. He watched her as she told him of what Maeve did.   "I still wish you had told me," he said. "I'm sorry." He nodded. "But how the hell do we get out of here?" She raised her brows.  "Now that is a good question." 

         One morning she was dragged out and was put in irons all over so she couldn't access her magic. She was taken back to the throne room. They had been here for a week if she counted right, maybe more. Cenna once again sat on her golden throne. Sera was nowhere in sight. "Taylor, this can be very easy for you. Tell me about your parents' defenses and information on Terrasen, and you will nobody will be hurt." Taylor made a face of disgust. "I would rather die than tell you that," she spat. Cenna gave a small frown. "Well, I'm afraid I need you, but Brydan, he's expendable." Did Maeve have some twin because this queen certainly fit Maeve's description? She snarled at her. "My court will find you and when they do you—" "Enough. I have wards around my kingdom they can't enter anyway. I was hoping you would have some actual information for me, take her away." She was yanked back around and  The guards walked her back through the elegant castle. And as they neared the final staircase that led underground, she looked through the open window and saw the blue sky, she half wondered if maybe soon it would be the last time she ever saw it. And then she was led below and into the dungeons. 

         "How did negotiating go?" Brydan asked when the guards left. "With an evil queen, does it ever go well?" she said exasperatedly. "What did she say." "You're so pushy. Fine, she threatened to kill you if I didn't tell her information on my parents, and their defenses." He was silent for a moment. "But, she did give away some interesting information that I doubt she meant to. She has wards around the kingdom so that my court can't come. But when you hurt me, there are many others that are seeking revenge. Like Asterin, Petrah, Manon, Dorian, ...." She listed off dozens of names. "My father will take these things into consideration and have help come. It won't be long until we are out of here." He looked contemplative for a moment. "What is my job?" She glared at him "Just keep your mouth shut," she snapped. "Then you can't get us killed by not keeping your mouth shut." Her glaring intensified. "You are more likely than me to get us killed," he stated. She sighed as a small grin spread across her face. He was right, she could never keep her mouth shut. He reached through the bars separating them and reached for her hand. This time she didn't pull away. He squeezed it once. Hope. That was all she had to cling to after that queen had shoved her off that edge. Even if it was slipping away bit by bit, she had him. To catch her when she fell. Because each hour her hope slipped away more and more. Come for us, she begged her aunt, her uncle, her cousin, anyone, in her head silently.

             For the next two weeks nothing happened. Cenna didn't send for them once. She awoke to the sound of armor clinking together, they were coming to bring her away again, or, she thought with horror, for Brydan. Then rustling. A blond-haired woman with sapphire eyes came into view, her steps near silent on the stone floor. "Asterin," she breathed as she beheld her cousin now standing with the guards' keys in hand. Brydan woke at hearing her whisper. "I wasn't going to let you rot down here," she said unlocking Taylor's cell. She hauled her up. Asterin closed her eyes and held her hands toward Taylor. The iron on her turned red then melted not burning her once. Brydan swore. Asterin looked to him now. "Should I let him out or no?" she asked Taylor. Taylor nodded. He stood as she unlocked his cell door too. She again closed her eyes and melted the iron off him. Brydan came over to her but Asterin stepped in front of him. "Don't even," she snarled at him. She sniffed the air, her eyes widened as she saw now what was between them. She didn't say anything though as she turned and handed her weapons over to Taylor and Brydan. "What about you?" Brydan asked seeing she had none left. She flicked out her iron nails and her iron teeth snapped down. She gave them both a horribly wicked smile in which Taylor returned. "How do we get out?" she asked as they silently made their way down the rows of cells. She would ask her how she got in later. "My father taught me shifting, remember, I'll shift into a wyvern and get us the hell out of here," she answered.  "Get to the minaret using these stairs," she added. They climbed up the stairs thankfully running into no one until they heard shouting behind them. They burst into a full-on run up the stairs no longer caring to be quiet. As they reached the top Asterin jumped off the minaret shifting into a grey wyvern with sapphire eyes. Taylor grabbed Brydan's hand and leapt into the open air, falling down, down, down, then landing on a leathery back. Asterin sped off at full speed toward the open ocean. Taylor turned to see a volley of arrows fly towards them from the minarets. They were ash before they could meet their targets. 

              They flew and flew for hours. At some point she had fallen asleep. But she woke up to see Asterin landing in Varese's harbor. And saw four figures running towards them. Taylor and Brydan slid of Asterin's back and she shifted back. She swayed slightly. Taylor let her lean on her subtly. She must be exhausted after the flight here. As Rowan neared his eyes flared then grabbed Brydan by the collar and said something that made him pale, then he added one more thing that drained the rest of the color from his face. Liara and Breanna threw themselves onto her, knocking Asterin off making her stumble backwards. As they stepped back next to a wide-eyed Soaren, both gaped at her then glanced at Brydan standing a safe distance away from her. Liara's face peeled into a smile. Then Liara's attention went to Asterin half-conscious leaning against Taylor. "You're Asterin aren't you?" she asked. Asterin gave a half smile, probably all she could manage right now. "See, already famous," she said nudging Taylor with an elbow.  "Taylor's told me all about you," she started. "Liara, Asterin is not going to be conscious for long, can you help me? You two can talk later." Asterin was taller than Taylor and Liara by a few inches so she was heavy on them. "There is a ship waiting for us already. Let's get her on it," Breanna cut in. Asterin had her arms around their shoulders to help her walk. They barely made it to bed before Asterin collapsed, her legs giving out beneath her and she fell onto the bed. Taylor took off Asterin's boots and her jacket and set them by the bed. These quarters were actually large with two beds. The beds could easily fit three of them without touching eachother. She took off her own boots and jacket. Taylor turned back to Liara who had tears rolling down her cheeks. "I knew you'd come back," she whispered as Taylor hugged her. "There was unfortuantly no grand exit this time," she answered. Liara let out a small laugh. Taylor strode over to the bed. Asterin was in the middle so Taylor lay on her right. "I'm going to sleep, you can too," she suggested. She heard Liara taking her boots and getting in next to Asterin on the other side. She didn't remember Breanna, Soaren, Rowan, or Brydan coming in to get the other bed. Most likely because she was asleep in moments. 


              Hi, sorry I haven't updated in a while but this one is extra long and I have been writing a new story Adarlan's Daughter as an insight into Asterin's life. So if you want to read it I think it would help to understand this story better as well, I hope you like this so far and don't forget to vote and comment!

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