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          The ground rippled beneath her feet to catch her balance. She leapt out of the range of the moving earth. She shot white hot flames to surround Liara, that slowly inched closer. She had vines that moved around her fire and lift her out of the pillar of flames. "Okay, we have been at this for hours, let's go inside." Liara said over their fighting of their earth and fire. Taylor wiped her brow of the sweat beading there. She nodded. 

        As they headed in, Brydan came up to them. "Taylor, I ...." He trailed off as she didn't acknowledge him and kept on walking. "After all that you're still mad?" he asked. She stopped and turned to him slowly. "What do you expect from me, for you to just assume something like that is the biggest punch in the face. You would be better off just doing that." she said. "Well you don't exactly act like it, especially at the talk with Rowan and I." "I didn't want him to know. Did you know that he would have exploded, almost literally exploded if he knew. And then he would have taken it out on you. So sorry if I didn't want you to die, you idiot." She walked on. "Catch." "What are you doing!" Liara yelled. She felt the air part on the right. Her hand lashed out as the knife she had thrown at him earlier flew by. Still walking she caught it by the blade. It sliced her fingers, but not deep. She threw a smile over her shoulder. "Doubt you could do that. So don't make me. But at least it freaked Liara out." she said. Brydan chuckled. "You should have seen her face." She heard a crash. She looked back to see Liara had those vines wrapped around him to where he could move. Just for fun she sent a band of fire to go around his eyes. It wouldn't burn him but it was bright enough that he closed his eyes. Liara grabbed Taylor and said as she ran and pulled her along, "We'll release it when we get to a hiding spot. See if you can find us." As the ran around the hallways to the guards armory. They grabbed the weapons and simple armor that they had. They kicked out two sentries there. Liara asked her when they got into their position, "Do you know sign language, like talking with your hands?" "Yeah, being at court events I have to know different languages, including that." she replied. She started by signing, On three we let go of his bindings, one, two, three. She dropped the ring of fire on him. I let go, she signed. I did too, she replied. I'm creating a distraction away from here, she signed to Liara. She used a thread of her power to create a slight burst of flame that Brydan would have noticed if he was over there. There was shouting down the hall. I'll check it out, she signed to Liara. She ran down the hall to find even more of those soldiers from Karatall were here. She ran back to Liara. "Find Brydan, Soaren, and Breanna and run! Those soldiers are back for me, don't tell that to Brydan, make an excuse and get out of here. Have someone tell my mother, and Asterin, and tell Brydan and the rest of my family I love them. Don't even look back. Run! Now!" Liara sprinted and didn't look back like she told her not to. 

        Taylor once again began the plunge into her power as she ran to the soldiers. Once she got there she incinerated most of them. She grabbed a fallen sword and hurled it through one's throat. She made it through their ranks with ease using her power. One lunged at her and she didn't put up a shield fast enough and the blade tore through her side. She cried out in pain. She set every soldier near her aflame. One kicked her from behind sending blinding pain through her side as she fell onto her hands and knees. She kicked and punched and used every way she knew to get out of the hold that one soldier picked her off the ground and held her with. She couldn't use anymore magic. She could feel the burnout waiting if she used anymore. Even though they had to drag her away she still didn't cry for help, but she didn't stop fighting them. 

       They took down all twelve sentries at the tunnel. They led her through it since she stopped clawing and kicking at them. Her wound wouldn't heal otherwise. Once it was better she would kill them all. Then when they were out of the tunnels she saw what they had. Iron shackles. She now knew why her mother hated them so. She used every last bit of strength she had to get free. She almost did it but then they got their grip again. She remembered what her mother said a while ago before she left, 'Don't let that light go out.' So she wouldn't; for her mother, for her mother's friend, for Breanna, Soaren, Landon, Aellyra, for Rowan, for Liara and Asterin, for Brydan she wouldn't let it go out. They closed the shackles around her wrists, not her legs so she could ride to a port with them. The iron bit into her skin stifling her magic. One female soldier gave her a look of sympathy, almost like she didn't want to have to do this. Well sympathy looks don't help, if she wanted to help she could free her or help in some other way. 

        They headed back towards Varese. They moved swiftly, and hid their tracks well. She figured once they got into Varese, that would be when she would make her move to escape. There are always lots of people around there. If she could get free she could lose them in the crowd. Even if she was dragged down to their kingdom she would get free. Somehow. 

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