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(Nini's POV)

I realized that we had just been standing there for about a minute just staying silent. I broke our eye contact to look at my phone and see I had about 6 minutes before  first period started but I needed to meet the principal. "Shoot!""What happened?" said Ricky"Oh umm I totally forgot that I had to meet my principal for my new school but I had to go early" I said pretty quickly."Oh the only school in this direction is East High is that the school?" Ricky asked "Yeah it is why do you go there?" I questioned.

(Ricky's POV)

YES!! I say this in my head of course but this beautiful girl that was standing in front of me was going to my school and hopefully she's a junior too. "Yeah I'm a junior" I said "Oh me too!" said Nini. YES YES YES!! She was going to my school. She is in my grade and hopefully I was her only friend in this school. So far I can already tell this year is going to be great!"Hey do you know how to ride a skateboard?"

(Nini's POV)

OMG this cute boy is going to the same school as me and is the same grade as me and is so far my only friend!"Hey do you know how to ride a skateboard?" I look at him very confused but say "Yeah I used to have one back home but it broke. Why?''''Well if you need to get to school quickly you can borrow my hand and hand it back to me later!" Wow this boy was cute and nice! "Really that would be so nice and helpful!""Yeah no problem here." Picky says as he hands me the skateboard."Thank you so much but I should go where should we meet so I can give this back?"

(Ricky's POV)

I was trying to make sure that she knew that I was nice and I think it worked and now we would have to meet up so she could give it back which is great! "Umm well I'll be right behind you and I know where the principal's office is so I can wait for you and then maybe I could give you a tour" "That would be great! See you soon!"Nini said"See you soon" I quickly replied.I could already tell we'll be good friends and who knows maybe more than that.

(Nini's POV)

This boy was so nice he lended me his skateboard just so I could get to school on time, and best of all he was going to give me a tour. YES! I'm so excited to have a relationship with this boy and that could go two ways. I finally made it to the school and saw the principal in the hall. He looked like the guy on their website so it must be him.

(General POV)

"Hi I'm Nini Salazar-Roberts I'm the new kid" "Oh Hello I'm Principal Gutierrez! Nice to meet you!" He says as he puts his hand out so I could shake it. "Here is your schedule and a calendar for the year with activities and school events. Here is your locker number and combination. I would give you a tour but I have an important meeting so I will ask a student"

(Nini's POV)

Right when he said that I quickly said, "How about Ricky Bowen I met him on the way to school" "Ah yes he is a good student do you happen to know where he is?" Right then I see Ricky walk through the front doors and boy am I glad to see his face. "He just walked through the doors" I say as I point to him. "Ah great. RICKY BOWEN! Come here" He shouted while indicating for him to come this way. He started walking towards us and I could notice my heart started beating faster and my face was heating up. Am I falling for him or is he just the first boy I saw?

(Ricky's POV)

I step inside the building and here my name is being called. I look and it's the principal talking with Nini. He is waving his hand and telling me to go over there so I do. As I'm walking I see Nini and I notice that my cheeks are heating up but I can see that they are too. I was falling for this girl but I don't know if anything will happen between us

Hey guys hope you enjoyed my second chapter more coming soon!

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