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A/N- DISCLAIMER there are curse words in this chapter!

(Ricky's POV)

It's the day of Nini and I's first date! I'm excited but I'm also nervous what if she doesn't like what I planned. Ok I can't start freaking out because I have to get ready for school. I get out of bed and pick an outfit.

 I get out of bed and pick an outfit

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(Nini's POV)

OMG it's our first date today I'm excited, nervous, scared, anxious, happy, and about 30 more emotions. I mean overall I feel like I'm excited because I really like him and I think he like me too. But I have to stop worrying and pick an outfit because we still have school today. I get up and pick this really cute outfit!

I do my hair, wash my face, brush my face, and today I decided to do a little makeup but not for him so I can feel more confident

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I do my hair, wash my face, brush my face, and today I decided to do a little makeup but not for him so I can feel more confident.

(Ricky's POV)

I'm done getting ready so I go downstairs and eat breakfast. "Dad you have to get back into real life. Mom's been in Chicago for a month this is the new normal!" I say as I see my dad lying on the couch. "Why I'm doing perfectly fine on the couch" he says as he sits up. "Ok lets make a pact we both have to put ourselves out there! Come on get up!" "Fine but what are you going to do?" he asks as he gets up and starts to clean up. "Well I have a date tonight" I say as I help him clean up. "No way with who?" he asks as he's folding a blanket. "Nini, but before you say anything I have to get to school I'll see you before the date." I says as I'm heading to the door. "Ok just letting you know she's a good girl don't hurt her!" he says as I'm walking out the door. "BYE!!"

(Nini's POV)

I walk down the stairs and take out a bowl and some fruit so I can have breakfast. "Hey honey!" Mama C says as she's walking out of the bathroom. "Hey Mama C. Where's Mama D?" "Oh she had to go to work early they have an important meeting" "OK. Hey guess what? I have a date tonight!" I say as I start eating my fruit. "Oooo with who?" Mama C says as she walks up to me in a really cringy way. "Ricky" I say while blushing. "I knew it you guys wouldn't stop giving each other heart eyes" "Ok Mama I'm going to head to school. Bye!" "Bye honey! Have fun!"

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