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Hey guys I'm bored so I'm going to give you two chapters today! Enjoy!❤️

(Nini's POV)

After what had happened I was glad to get home and be able to spend time with Ricky alone. I'm excited for what he has planned even though I don't know I trust him to have had planned something incredible! I had been home for like 15 minutes already it was 3:45 and Ricky said he would pick me up at 5:00 so I had enough time to get ready. I felt inspired so I started to write a song! 

(I know it doesn't really work with the plot but I really like this song so just go with it)

Gross- by Olivia Rodrigo

Not long ago when I saw you there with your brown eyed grin and your messy hair and every girl at the party was looking at you oooooo. Don't know what I'd say if I knew back then that the brow eyed boy be my best friend and the one I'd give my heart to ooooo.

{Sings the rest of the song}

Yeah I like you so much it's kinda gross.

Wow I haven't written a good song in a while usually they are about my insecurity rarely about a boy. What has Ricky done to me?

(Ricky's POV)

I feel so bad for Nini she went through a lot today but I'm hoping the date will cheer her up. I have to get ready fast because I have to go set some stuff up and my hideout so it looks romantic. I pick out a casual but cute outfit. 

Then I realize I forgot to tell Nini that she should dress casual so I text her

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Then I realize I forgot to tell Nini that she should dress casual so I text her.


Hey Nini I forgot to tell you to dress pretty casual for our date 2nite!☺️

Ok! Great ! Can't wait to see you! 💕 

Me too!💕

(Nini's POV)

Should I have sent hearts I mean he sent them back but what if he sent it because he felt bad! Ok I have to pick an outfit. Let me FaceTime Kourt she has really good fashion taste!



Kourt- Hey girl everything ok? I didn't see you much after lunch.

Nini- Oh yeah I'm ok. Ricky really helped me but we have an emergency!

Kourt- OMG are you ok? What happened?

Nini- So it's Ricky and I's date tonight but I don't know what to wear! HE say to dress pretty casual!

Kourt- The second you said date I got in my car I'm heading there now don't worry girl!

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