Lucky Girl

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(General POV)

" What do you need?" Ricky said with a small little smile on his face. "Would you be so kind and show our new student around. She had told me that you two have already met and thought it would be good if you showed her around"

(Nini's POV)

Did the principal really need to say that I suggested it that just shows that I wanted him to give me a tour. UGH I hate my life.

(Ricky's POV)

Wow she told him to ask me. Is that a sign that she likes me or that I was just the only person she knew. Either way I'm happy she did it.

(General POV)

"Yeah I would be happy too" says Ricky with a smile plastered on his face. "Great! Now I have a meeting to get to but don't be too late to the first period you two!" said Principal Gutierrez as he walked away.

"Here thanks for letting me borrow it," Nini says as she hands Ricky his skateboard back. "Yeah no problem anytime! Anyways let me see your locker so you can put some things away" Nini hands Ricky a piece of paper with her locker number and combo. "Wow you got lucky!" said Ricky as he looks at the paper. "What do you mean?" said Nini with a confused expression. "Well, your lockers right next to mine"

(Nini's POV)

I was trying to hide my excitement. My locker was right next to his, which meant that we would always see each other no matter what.

(Ricky's POV)

YES!! I was hoping that her locker was somewhat close to mine but right when I looked at that paper I got so happy! Her locker was the one directly next to mine like right next to it that means that we would see each other everyday!

(General POV)

"Wow that's pretty lucky" Nini says with a calm voice so Ricky doesn't see her excitement "Yeah here let me walk you there" Ricky said as indicating her to follow him. "Sure!" she said as following him. Once they got there Nini put her combo in and she tried a couple times but couldn't get it.

(Ricky's POV)

I was watching as she struggled to get her locker when I finally said "Do you need help sometimes you have to do it faster?" "Yeah thanks again you have been nothing but nice to me I appreciate it" Nini said as she was moving out of the way so I could open her locker. "No problem and you deserve to get treated nicely and plus you didn't do anything to me so why would I be rude" I say as I open her locker.

(Nini's POV)

The first time he attempted to open my locker he got it. I was so confused how he did it. "Wow how did you get it on the first try when I tried like 30 times and didn't get it?" as I said that he started chuckling and in the end we were both laughing. "Hey let me look at your schedule while you put your stuff away" Ricky said as he was leaning on the locker beside me. I gave him the piece of paper and then I saw in the corner of my eye that a lot of students started to fill the halls then I heard the bell ring.

(Ricky's POV)

As I was looking at her schedule I noticed that the halls started to fill but I didn't care because what I was looking at was way more important. Her schedule was an exact copy of mine. We had the same electives and APs and we had them all together.

(General POV)

"You are one lucky girl huh" Ricky said as he got off the lockers. "What? How am I lucky?" Nini said as she closed her locker. "Well looks like the principal copy and pasted my schedule on yours" Ricky said with a very happy expression on. "Wait! Really or are you joking?" Nini said with the same expression on her face. "No, I'm not joking, look" Ricky says as he takes his own schedule out and starts to compare the two.

(Nini's POV)

Wow as I looked down at the two it looked like someone just made a photocopy of one paper. I was really happy because one he was my only friend so far and I kind of have a crush on him.

(Ricky's POV)

I was so happy knowing that I was going to be able to spend a lot of time with her. It looked like she felt the same way as I did but maybe not fully like mine. If she did like me as more than a friend I would love that but I wasn't so sure if she did.

(Nini's POV)

I hear the bell and quickly tell Ricky "Hey we should head to first period I wouldn't want to be late on my first day" "Yeah lets go we have Geometry first"

Hey guys hope you enjoyed the third chapter! More coming soon✌️!

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