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Hey guys I'M GRADUATING FROM 8th GRADE TODAY!!! Ahh I'm so excited to go to High School!! Anyways comment and vote!💕

(Ricky's POV)

It's been a couple days since Nini and I's fight and we have been pretty good! Today I have to try and convince Nini to audition for the musical because it's Beauty and the Beast which is her favorite and we all know she is going to get Belle. I would have told her earlier but I never found the right time so I'll convince her on the way to school. But right now I need to get dressed. 

(Nini's POV)

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(Nini's POV)

It's been some time since Ricky and I fought and Mama D woke up. She has been going to physical therapy for her legs but they said that they won't see improvement in such a short time so we have to be patient. I feel like today is going to be a good day you know, I just get that feeling some times. I'm going to wear a cute outfit today!

I curl my hair at the ends just a little

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I curl my hair at the ends just a little. I look at myself in the mirror and realized that I haven't dressed up in nice clothes in a while because I was so worried about Mama D but now that she's awake I feel so much better.

(General POV)

Ricky- HONK HONK {He honks his car horn}

Nini- {She walks out of the front door and get in the car} Hi bubs!

Ricky- Hey I want to talk to you about something

Nini- Everything okay?

Ricky- Yeah yeah don't worry nothing bad

Nini- Okay what is it?

Ricky- Well the school is doing auditions today for Beauty and the Beast and I think you should audition!

Nini- No no no I'm not doing that!

Ricky- Why you would be a perfect Belle?!

Nini- I would never get the lead!

Ricky- You never know come on please try for me {He gives her puppy dog eyes}

Nini- *Ugh he knows I can't resist those eyes* Fine but only if you audition with me.

Ricky- What?!? No you're the singer

Nini- Yeah but you are an amazing singer and I won't do it if you don't.

Ricky- Fine but I'm doing this so you audition.

Nini- I know! LUV YOU!!!

Ricky- LUV YOU TOOO!!!


Ms. Jenn- Ok theater people! Here is how the process is going to go we will start off with the Belles, then the Beasts, the Gastons, and so on. OK let's gather round and get started

Nini- OMG Ricky! I am so not ready for this.

Ricky- Baby look at me! You will do amazing ok? {He hugs her}

Nini- Ok thanks!

Ms. Jenn- Alright first up is Gina Porter!

Gina- Here! {She says as she gets up and starts to sing Start of Something New}

Ms. Jenn- Excellent next we have Nina Salazar-Roberts 

Nini- You can call me Nini!

Ms. Jenn- Ok Nini whenever you are ready!

Nini- I have my own song if you don't mind

Ms.Jenn- Oh no go ahead!

Nini- Not long ago when I saw you there

With your brown eyed grin and your messy hair
And every girl at the party was looking at you

I wonder what I'd say if I knew back then
That the brown eyed boy'd be my best friend
And the one I'd give my heart to (ooh, ooh, ooh)

Now everything reminds me of you
Your pictures framed all over my room
And if I hate someone you'll hate them too

As long as I'm your darling angel
I don't need anything in the world
'Cause I feel like the luckiest every second that I'm your girl
I wanna do everything with you
Take the highs, I'll take the lows
I'll keep you close
Give you the most, oh baby
I like you so much it's kinda gross
Yeah, I like you so much it's kinda gross

Driving in your car I feel all grown up
Is it me or does it feel more than high school love?
Not gonna lie, your last name sounds so ni-i-i-ce
I love when you complain about things like traffic
Love when you're tired, baby I like all of it
Honestly I can't believe you're mi-i-i-ine

I bring you up in every conversation
We're young I know we gotta be patient
But I know I want my life to have you in it

Ooh, and as long as I'm your darling angel
I don't need anything in the world
'Cause I feel like the luckiest every second that I'm your girl
I wanna do everything with you
Take the highs, I'll take the lows
I'll keep you close
Give you the most, oh baby
I like you so much it's kinda gross
Yeah, I like you so much it's kinda gross

Ms. Jenn- Wow Nini that was incredible and you wrote that yourself?

Nini- Yeah I did {She says that while looking at Ricky and giving him a sweet smile and he returns it}

~~Time Skip to Beasts auditions~~

Ms. Jenn- Ok Beast time! EJ Caswell

EJ- Hey{Sings Start of Something New}

Ms. Jenn- Ok perfect now Richard Bowen

Nini- *Laughs at the name*

Ricky- Call me Ricky

Ms. Jenn- Ok Ricky go ahead!

Ricky- I also have my own song!

Ms. Jenn- Ok well we have songwriters in our midst.

Ricky- Common sense tells me, "Kiss the girl goodbye"

Common sense tells me, "Leave it all behind"
Common sense says
But common sense ain't common when you come to mind

Common sense told me, "She was not worthwhile"
Common sense said, "Don't go the extra mile"
Common sense said, "Go back and reconcile"
But common sense forgot about her smile

Second chances are thought of to be weak
Second chances in volumes, do they speak?
Second chances aren't given usually
But a second chance is all I really need

I think I love you
I want to love you
Please let me love you (love you , love you, love you )
I wish to show you how to love

I thought you loved me
I want you to love me
Please baby, love me
I wish to show you how to love

Common sense tells me
"Kiss the girl goodbye." Common sense tells me
"Leave it all behind."
Common sense says
"The girl's not worth my time."
But common sense ain't' common when you come to mind

No, Common sense ain't common when you come to mind
(Nini's POV)
The whole time Ricky was singing his eyes were locked on mine and all I could think of is how that boy is mine and I'm his. This is the boy I want to spend the rest of my life with!

Hey guys we made it to #3 on the Rini Leaderboard!! I can't thank you guys enough for the reads and votes! Love you guys💕! Bye✌️!

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