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Hey guys!! Sorry for not updating yesterday! Here is the wedding!!

(Ricky's POV)

I don't really know how to feel about today. Nini and I are going to head to the airport at 5:30 a.m. So early I know but it's 4:00 and I'm heading over to Nini's at 5 so I have an hour to make sure I packed everything and to get ready. I just put on some comfy clothes cause it's about a 4 hour flight which is not bad. 

(Nini's POV)

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(Nini's POV)

I'm nervous for the wedding but I'm excited to explore after with Ricky! I also hate planes even though my family are travelers they still scare me! But I'll be ok cause I'll have Ricky with me! I packed everything the night before, yes I know I'm a procrastinator but I can't help it! Anyways I have to start getting ready cause Ricky will be here soon! I just put on one of Ricky's sweatshirts because he left it her last time he was here so it is now mine!

I'm nervous for the wedding but I'm excited to explore after with Ricky! I also hate planes even though my family are travelers they still scare me! But I'll be ok cause I'll have Ricky with me! I packed everything the night before, yes I know I'm...

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~~Time skip to the airport~~

(General POV)

Ricky- Bye dad! I'll call you!

Mike- You better! Love you son! Try to have fun!

Ricky- I'll try!

Nini- Don't worry I'll make sure he does!

Mama C- I'll make sure Mama D is fine Nini you don't have to worry!

Nini- You'll call me if anything happens!

Mama C-  Don't worry and she is supposed to get out when you get back so everything will be fine!

Nini- Ok we have to go! I love you Mama!

Mama C- I love you too! Call us when you get there!

Ricky- We will don't worry!

[Mike and Carol drive off and it's just Nini and Ricky by themselves]

Nini- Can we get Starbucks while we are waiting?

Ricky- Anything for you!

Nini- You ok? You usually say baby or angel after!

Ricky- Yeah just a little nervous for the wedding.

Nini- Hey look at me! I'll be with you the entire time!

Ricky- You'll never leave my side?

Nini- Pinky promise!{She says as she holds her pinky out}

Ricky- Good{He says as he wraps his pinky around hers}

~~Time skip to boarding~~

Nini- Oh that's our group let's go! {She says nervously}

Ricky- Hey are you ok?

Nini- Yeah other than my giant fear of airplanes I'm good!

Ricky- Hey our pinky promise goes for you too! I'll never leave your side!

Nini- Yeah I know I'm just thinking of worst case scenarios and when I try not thinking then I start worrying about you and I just want to shut my brain off!

Ricky- Hey why are you worrying about me?

Nini- Cause it's not the best experience to be going to your Mom's wedding to a new man!

Ricky- Hey I'll be fine cause you're here and that's all I need!

Intercom- Flight A37 is now boarding group 2! Group 2!

Nini- Ok we should get on the plane!

Ricky-  Come on!

[They are now sitting in their seats next to each other. Ricky is on his phone talking to his dad and Nini is on the phone with her mom]

Pilot-  This is your captain speaking! We will depart in just a minute so please put all electronics away and prepare for take off!

Ricky- You ready Angel?

Nini- With you here bubs! I'll be ok!

[Throughout the flight they spent their time playing games that Ricky had brought because he is just a child! They listened to music together, Nini slept on Ricky for a little before hearing an announcement]

Pilot- We are now preparing for landing! Make sure your seat is upright and your tray table is stowed away! We will be on land in approximately 15 minutes!

Pilot- We are now preparing for landing! Make sure your seat is upright and your tray table is stowed away! We will be on land in approximately 15 minutes!

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Pilot- We are now in Chicago, Illinois! It is currently 72 degrees Fahrenheit and it is 9:30! Enjoy your stay and thank you for choosing Jet Blue!

Nini- You ready?

Ricky-  Sure maybe yes I don't know we'll see what happens!

Hey guys Sorry this is just a filler chapter! I wanted the plane to be it's own chapter!💕

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