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Hey guys! Thank you so much for 1k reads!! I would love to see comments see what you guys think! So comment and vote! Love you guys💕!

(General POV)

[Ricky and Nini walk into Mama D's hospital room]

Nini- Hi Mama D how are you?

Mama D- What? Who are you? Why are you calling me Mama D?

Nini- What do you mean? I'm your daughter! {She says as she sits in the edge of her bed}

Mama D- {When Nini sits down she flinches and Nini automatically gets up} I don't have a daughter. At lets I don't think.

Nini-{She snow on the verge of tears} You do you have me and your wife Carol!

Mama D- She's my wife?!? But I'm married to Jack!!! (I just made up a name)

Nini- {She is now crying} No my dad left before you gave birth to me so you married Carol my mom.

Mama D- I'm sorry but can you leave I need time to process this and see if it's real. What is you guys' name? {She points to Nini and Ricky}

Ricky- I'm Ricky and this is Nini

Mama D- Ok can you please leave now?!?GET OUT!!

[The second they walk out of the room Nini falls to the floor and breaks down crying]

Ricky- Oh baby! I'm so sorry. {He says as he sits next to her and wraps her in a warm embrace} I know baby. I know. {He says as he pets her head}

Nini- No you don't {She says quietly}

Ricky- What? I didn't hear you.

Nini- {She stands up and Ricky follows} You're saying that you know but you don't {She has an angry tone} You don't know what it's like to have your mother not remember who you are!

Ricky- I'm sorry I was just trying to help!


Ricky- Ok Nini calm down you are yelling


Ricky- You think I don't know what you're going through my mom hasn't tried to contact me or come to see me in a year. She has a new son she doesn't even remember me! I haven't talked to my mom in a whole year! She might not have memory loss but she still forgot about me!

Nini- Omg Ricky I'm so sorry I didn't know.

Ricky- Yeah because I didn't tell you! I'm going to go. I'll see you tomorrow!

Nini- No please I need you! {She says on her knees as she's crying}

Ricky- Why would you need someone who doesn't understand! {He says as he walks away}

(Nini's POV)

Right when he says that my heart breaks in half. I'm a horrible person! I'm sitting in a hospital hallway crying my eyes out and my mother who doesn't remember who I am is in the room next to me! Why is my life like this? Can't I just be a normal high schooler. 

(General POV)

Mama C- Nini what's wrong baby?

Nini- He's gone

Mama C- What do you mean? Who's gone?

Nini- Ricky I was being stupid and he left. Also Mama D lost her memory and doesn't remember me.

Mama C- Oh honey that was temporary the doctors said she got it back!

Nini- Really?!?! {She gets up and walks into the room} Mama D?

Mama D- Oh honey! Come here I missed you!

Nini- I missed you too {She says as she is crying and gives Mama D a hug}

Mama C- Hey sweetie!

Mama D- Oh my love I missed you!

(Nini's POV)

I sit down in the chair next to Mama D's bed but I sit on something spiky. I look and see that it's Ricky's keys! How is he going to get home he can't! I rush out of the room and go into the parking lot and see my love sitting on the curb crying.

(General POV) 

Nini- Hey! {She says in a sweet loving tone}

Ricky- What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your mom?

Nini- She is ok now the memory loss was temporary {She says as she sits next to him} You forgot your keys so I figured you would still be here.

Ricky- Yeah

Nini- Listen I'm sorry I was just scared and when I'm scared I lash out on the closest person to me and it just so happened that it was you. But I really didn't mean it I was just crazy and scared!

Ricky- You're rambling! And don't worry I forgive you but I'm sorry too I should've comforted you better I just don't really now how.

Nini- I love you bubs so much! And I hope that we can push this behind us. {She says as she holds his chin up so he will look at her}

Ricky- I love you too my darling angel! But I don't want to push this past us! We should learn from this so god forbid if something like this happens we know what not to do.

Nini- How do I get so lucky with a wise, smart, and very handsome boyfriend?

Ricky- I don't know but I just know that I'm the luckiest. {He leans in for a kiss and so does she}

Hey guys this was a very emotional chapter I mean wow!! Don't forget to comment and vote! Again thank you so much for all the reads!! More tomorrow✌️💕!!

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