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Hey guys! This is a long chapter so be prepared! This has a lot of drama, cuteness, and a whole bunch of other things! I also want to thank you guys for 4.5k reads! That's so awesome! Thank you so much! I'm so glad you guys enjoy the story! Comment and vote!💕

(Nini's POV)

Ok so you know how I said I was excited for homecoming? Yeah scratch that! I'm freaking out!! It's tomorrow and I still don't have a dress!! Like all the girls, Lily, Kourt, Gina, and Ashlyn all have their outfits but I still don't! I'm getting ready to head to the mall right now with the girls to try and find my outfit. It's 10:30 now and I'm about to head out because I neeeeeeeeeed to find a dress today because I won't have time tomorrow. I atleast know what color I want! Red because it's my favorite color and I just have a good feeling about red! DING DONG Oh I bet that's them! Well let's go find my dress!

(General POV)

Kourt- Nini! Are you ready to find a beautiful dress?

Nini- Yes! I just really hope we find one because I'm freaking out!

Lily- Don't worry! You'll be fine!

Gina- Yeah we're going to find the dress that will leave Ricky speechless!

Ash- Speechless? He is going to be on the floor because he passed out from your beauty!

Kourt- Yes! He will be deceased!

Nini- Ok ok! I want that dress but please don't kill my boyfriend!

Gina- Fine! We won't! But let's go we need to have time to find shoes and a dress!

Kourt- Yes! Let's head out!

[Kourt starts driving towards the mall and Nini puts on some music to hype them all up. Of course it's Taylor and Harry playing because who else is better to hype you up? After 15 minutes they finally get there. They are all ready to spend their dress looking for the perfect dress]

Lily- Ok! I think we start at Nordstrom because they are having a 50% of whole store special!

Ash- Wow the whole store?

Gina- Yeah! That's kinda crazy!

Nini- Who cares? If we don't have to spend too much money we have more for other things!

Kourt- True!

[They start in Nordstrom but find nothing. Next is Saxs fifth avenue and again nothing! Now JC Penny's but nothing there either! Finally they go to Macy's]

Nini- We have found nothing so far! What am I going to do?

Kourt- NINI! {She calls from the other side of the area}
Nini- WHAT?

[They all look at each other with their eyes bugged out of their head and start running in the direction of Kourtney's voice]

Nini- Let me see it!
[Kourt holds it out and Nini squeals like a 5 year old on Christmas]

Ash- I'm guessing that's a good reaction!

Nini- UM YEAH! Wait what size is it?

Gina- It says 2!

Lily- Girl that's your size!

Nini- Omg! Ok let me go try it on!

[They all walk to the dressing room and Nini goes in the room to try on the dress. She undresses and steps into the dress. She pulls it up but she cant zip up the back so she calls Kourtney. Kourt comes in and helps her zip it up]

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