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~~Time skip to next morning~~
(Ricky's POV)

RING RING RING My alarm goes off and I look at the time and see that I have about an hour to get ready. I remember that today I'm heading over to Nini's to figure out our first date. I'm so excited but that means that I have to wear a good outfit to impress her mom's because I'm pretty sure they'll be home.

(Nini's POV)

I wake up with a smile on my face because I know today's the day that Ricky's coming over. YAY!! Omg that means that my mom's are going to meet him, hopefully they like him. But I have to get up and pick a cute outfit because I only have an hour to get ready! I pick a white tank top and some jean shorts.

 But I have to get up and pick a cute outfit because I only have an hour to get ready! I pick a white tank top and some jean shorts

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(A/N I'm going to be putting the outfits in because I feel like it's a good way to visualize the story!)

(Ricky's POV)

I get out of bed and go to my closet to pick an outfit and chose a white shirt with black jeans and a black bomber jacket on top.

I get out of bed and go to my closet to pick an outfit and chose a white shirt with black jeans and a black bomber jacket on top

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I look at my clock and see that I have about 30 minutes so I take a quick shower and change.

(Nini's POV)

I'm freaking out should I leave my hair down or should I put it up? Should I wear makeup or does the seem that I'm trying too hard? What do I do? Ok I know I'll call Kourt.

(A/N For calls I'm going to put the name of the person speaking before)

Kourt- Hey Nini what's up?                                                                                                                                                 Nini- Hey I'm freaking out because today Ricky is coming over so we can figure out when our date is going to be and just hang out but I don't know if I should put my hair up or leave it down and should I wear makeup or is that trying to hard and what if he doesn't like my outfit. Help!       Kourt- Ok calm down what are you wearing?                                                                                                                            Nini- I'm wearing light jean shorts with a cropped white tank top with air forces.                             Kourt- Ok so that outfit is perfect he will love it and put your hair half up half down and put a little mascara and a little gloss.                                                                                                                                       Nini- OMG that is perfect what would I do without you. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't of even came to school.                                                                                                                                                                                               Kourt- I know I'm pretty amazing! Anyways get ready school starts in 25 minutes.                                 Nini- OMG ok Bye see you at school and thanks again.Love you!                                                                     Kourt- No problem bye Love you too girl.

I hang up the phone and go to my vanity to start my hair and makeup

(Ricky's POV)

I'm freaking out a little because my hair is just not working with me today but you know what I can't do anything. I just hope this mess doesn't make her regret her decision. Omg I gotta go if I'm going to meet her and walk with her.

(Nini's POV) 

I finally finish and look at the clock and realize I have to go. I grab my bag and say bye. "Bye Mama C and Mama D! I'm heading to school" I yell as I'm putting on my shoes. "Ok sweetie have fun see you later! Mama D went to work already!" Mama C yells as she starts coming down the stairs. I head out and see Ricky walking out of his house! Perfect timing.

(General POV)

"Hey Ricky! Over here" Nini says as she's walking out of the front door. "Oh hey wanna walk together?" Ricky says as he walks closer. "Yeah totally!" Nini says as they start walking.

Hey guys this was a medium chapter! I wanted them at the house to be another chapter! Hope you guys like the story and the outfits I'm putting in! More tomorrow✌️!

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