Best Day Ever

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(Nini's POV)

We were so close our noses were practically touching. We were just looking into each other's eyes when all of a sudden he kissed me! HE KISSED ME! I hesitate for a second but then I kiss him back.

(Ricky's POV)

I didn't know if she wanted me to kiss her but I did it anyway. And she kissed back. Nini Salazar-Roberts kissed me back.

(General POV)

Nini pulls back and they are both looking at each other. "I-umm I should head to English" Nini says, sounding nervous. She starts heading down the hallway when she feels someone hold her wrist and pull her backwards. She turns around and it's Ricky. "Umm English is this way. I'll show you" Ricky says pointing in the opposite direction in which Nini is walking."Oh umm thanks" Nini says walking with Ricky to their next class. "Listen I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable back there but I just wanted to say ever since I've met you I have felt this spark and I don't know if you felt it too. But if you did-"

(Nini's POV)

I look at him while he is talking and I could see he is nervous and is rambling so I decide to cut him off before he could finish by kissing him.

(Ricky's POV)

Before I could finish what I'm saying I felt her soft lips against mine. Well I guess maybe she did feel what I felt.

(General POV)

"So I guess you feel the same?" Ricky asks while slowly moving a little back. "No, I just wanted to shut you up" Nini says while trying to hold in her smile. "What umm I- uhh" Ricky says not really knowing how to react. "I'm kidding, I do feel the same. Sorry if I freaked you out" Nini says reassuring him. "Omg you scared me" Ricky says as Nini starts to giggle.

(Ricky's POV)

Omg her little laugh is so cute and she just said she felt the same thing as me. I need to make this girl mine.

(Nini's POV)

I can't believe I just kissed Ricky Bowen, TWICE! I also just told him my feelings. I wonder if he will ask me on a date.

(General POV)

"Hey so what do we do now?" Nini asked "Well Nina Salazar-Roberts would you like to go on a date with me?" Ricky asks "Ricky Bowen-" Nini starts to say but gets cut off. "Actually it's Richard since we're doing real names" "Omg umm first of all no one under the age of 50 should be named Richard but Richard Bowen I would love to go on a date with you" Nini says. Ricky engulfs her into a huge hug. RIIIINNNNGGGGG "Oh thats the bell shall we head to class m'lady?" Ricky says while putting his arm out. "We certainly shall my kind sir" Nini says as she locks his hand with hers and they are off to class.

(Kourt's POV)

I walk into English and take my seat. When I sit down I look at the door and see Ricky and Nini holding hands as they are walking in. OMG they did something about it already. I mean I'm not complaining. "Hey guys what's up? Why are you holding hands?" Kourtney asks as they take the seats next to her. "Oh well Ricky and I are going to go on a date soon" Nini says as she holds up and shows their hands intertwined with one another. "OMG I knew it! You guys couldn't keep your eyes off each other. How did it happen?" After Kourt finishes the teacher starts to speak. "Well I guess we'll tell you later" Ricky says as he gives his attention to the teacher. "All right, we have a new student this year. Nina will you please stand and introduce yourself" Mr. Smith says as he sits behind his desk.

(Nini's POV)

The teachers say for me to stand up and introduce myself so I do. "Hi I'm Nina but everyone calls me Nini. I just moved here from Boston because one of my moms jobs moved us here." After I finish I sit back down and the teacher starts to teach the class.

(General POV)

The day goes by pretty fast and before they knew it it was the end of the day! "Hey wanna walk home together?" Ricky asks Nini as he is opening her locker for her once again. "Yeah sure I mean we are going the same way so it would make sense. And thanks again for opening my locker." Nini says while putting her books away. "No problem. Let's go" Ricky says as he takes her hand and they start to walk home.

(Ricky's POV)

Should I ask her about the date and see what she wants to do? Oh no what if she changes her mind and doesn't want to go out with me what if she did it because she felt bad for me. Oh god ok I'm rambling just ask her it's not that hard.

(Nini's POV)

Do I ask him about the date or does it make it seem like I'm desperate. OMG wait what if he doesn't want to go on a date with me what is=f he just felt bad for me! Ok ok I need to calm down just ask him.

(General POV)

"Hey I was wondering" They both realize they are talking at the same time. "Oh umm you go first" Ricky says. "Ok well I was just wondering when we are going to go on the date I mean if you still want to," Nini says while looking at the floor. "Oh I was going to ask the same thing and of course I still want to go" Ricky says while stopping and taking both of her hands. "Really you do?" Nini asks while looking into his eyes. "Yes but we do have to figure out the date" Ricky says as he continues to walk. "Yeah hey maybe tomorrow you could come over and we could talk. I would today but I need to help my mom's unpack" Nini says while stopping in front of her house. "Oh yeah for sure! HEy I never got your number. Could I get it?" Ricky asks while moving closer to her. "Oh yeah here" She takes out a pen and grabs his arm and writes it down. "Ok thanks! See you tomorrow!" Ricky says while walking away. "Bye" Nini says as she walks into her house and closes the door.

(Ricky's POV)

Right when I hear her front door close I do my happy dance and start running to my house.

(Nini's POV)

The second I get inside I scream "YESSSSSS". "Honey what's wrong?" Mama C asks. "Oh sorry mom I'm fine just had a really good day at school" I say then under my breath I whisper "best day ever!"

Hey guys thank you so much for all the reads and we just got to #15 on the Rini leader board!! I would love to hear what you guys think so comment any ideas for first dates or just to say Hi and I'll try and respond. More chapter tomorrow! Bye✌️!

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