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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating yesterday. But I'm back today and a little later but it's fine! Just to let you guys know this is a filler chapter and it's all Nini's POV. Enjoy!💕

(Nini's POV)
I couldn't sleep! I was just lying in bed just thinking about everything! Mostly the topic was if I made a huge mistake of forgiving Ej. Ricky made me question my decision big time but it's not like I could go back in time and change my choice! I had to deal with whatever came of this. When Ej was talking to me he sounded really sincere and that's one reason on why I forgave him but what if he is just a really good actor I mean he scored the lead in the plays 3 years in a row so he had to of had some talent! But like it sounded real.
~~Flashback to when Nini and Ej talked~~
I was walking by the park for a stroll and I see Ej doing community service. I guess that was part of his punishment. I don't want to talk to him so I start to speed past him but I guess he saw me and said "Nini! I've been wanting to talk to you I just didn't know how to reach out" I stopped and looked at him and said "I really don't want to talk to you!" I started walking away again when he screams " WAIT, please just let me explain!" I turn around from walking "Fine but make it fast I don't want to stay here for too long!" "Thank you! Ok so when I harassed you I was going through a really tough time and I know that it's no excuse and I did a horrible thing but I also didn't want to do it from the start. The people that I associated myself with were horrible and kept saying to hurt women and make them feel horrible and I wanted to show them I was like them so I did umm you know. I feel so terrible and you don't need to forgive me but I just wanted you to know I will never do that again and I hope that I didn't hurt you too much because if I messed up your life forever I wouldn't be able to live with that." When he said that I knew I couldn't say that he made me feel like my body wasn't mine because I was scared! He said he wouldn't be able to live with that does that mean he would hurt himself! I couldn't take the chance so I said, "You didn't mess up me for the rest of my life I just need time to heal but maybe after that we could be friends! I've experienced wanting to fit in and doing horrible things, but I also know how to get rid of type of people who make you do it! I could help you if you would like me too." "Oh thank you so much! I would like that! But please take your time!" They both smiled! "How much longer do you have to do this?" "Oh just a week more but I think I'm going to volunteer again it's nice to give back to the earth it makes me feel better!" I smiled! "That's really awesome! I better get going! Bye!" "Bye!"
~~End of flashback~~
No I think I made the right decision! And if I didn't hopefully Ricky will stay by my side to help me through it! Wow I feel like I can finally put my brain to rest and get some sleep! We have an early flight tomorrow and I want to be awake when we get home! Ahhh goodnight thoughts and brain!

Well that was my filler chapter just to clear some things up! Hope you guys enjoyed! Comment and vote! Love you guys💕!

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