Long Lost Buddies

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(General POV)

When the three got the lunch Ricky and Big Red started walking to their table and Nini followed. "Here it is the infamous lunch table" Big red said while presenting it like it was a prize. "What's so good about it?" Nini asked "Well this has been our table since we got to East High and it's right next to the lunch line so we can be the first to get our food" Ricky answered.

(Big Red POV)

I noticed that Nini was looking at Ricky with heart as when he wasn't looking and vice versa I wonder what's going to happen there.

(Nini POV)

I have been staring at Ricky anytime he wasn't looking but at one point I saw that Big Red had noticed and I immediately stopped. What am I going to do? I mean I think I like him but also I just met him. Ugh I just moved here and my life is already so complicated.

(Ricky's POV)

Anytime Nini was looking down or wasn't paying attention I was looking at her. Big Red for sure noticed me but honestly that didn't stop me. This girl makes me happy and even though we just met I want to have a relationship with her. Am I crazy? I don't know. Life is complicated.

(General POV)

"So where did you move here from Nini?" Big Red said breaking the silence. "Oh I moved here from Boston. My mom had a job relocation so we came here." "Oh wow cool! I've never left Salt Lake before but it must be cool to see new places every once in a while" Big Red said. "Yeah I guess but sometimes it's bad because we move when I like where I am" Nini said looking slightly upset. "Hey don't be sad I'm sure you'll love Salt Lake I mean we do" Ricky said trying to make her happy. "Yeah I already like it" She said while looking at Ricky with those same heart eyes as before. Big Red noticed and cleared his throat. "Oh umm should we go get lunch? I'm pretty hungry" Ricky says. "Oh yeah lets get on the line" Nini responds.

(Ricky's POV)

Ok so Big REd noticed that we were staring. Again. I can't help it though she's just so beautiful and her eyes are so nice. But now I'm worried. What if her mom has to relocate again before I shoot my shot. I can't lose when I just met her.

(Nini's POV)

OMG! Big Red caught me staring for the second time. He probably thinks I'm a creep but I honestly think I'm starting to like Ricky. But I think I worried him when I said that sometimes we have to move when I don't want to. Oh no! What if we have to move again soon before I'm able to tell him how I feel. I just met him and I don't want to lose him.

(General POV)

The three got lunch and were sitting at the table eating it when this curly haired girl came up to them. "Oh hey Kourt!" Big Red says "Hi! Oh umm I'm Kourtney and you are...?" Kourt says while looking at Nini "Oh, hi I'm Nini. I just moved here from Boston" Nini says while waving her hand. "Oh cool I was actually born in Boston but moved here when I was 3" Kourtney said while sitting down. "Really what part?" Nini questioned "Charlestown how about you?" "No way I'm from there too" Nini said very excitedly "OMG wait did you go to MGH?" Kourtney said with the same level of excitement. "OMG yes wait I think I remember you I called you KT because I couldn't pronounce your name that well" "Omg that was you. Come here girl and give me a hug" Kourtney and Nini got up and hugged each other. "What just happened?" Ricky asked while looking very confused "They found their long lost best friend after all these years" Ricky and Red chuckled. "Oh shut up Red your hair looks like a carrot" Kourtney and Nini started laughing.

(Ricky's POV)

Wow, whatever just happened was crazy! Nini looked so cute though she was so excited and when she was laughing she looked so adorable. God, I'm falling for her and very fast!

(Kourt's POV)

Is it just me or does anyone else sense something going on with Ricky and Nini. I think they like each other but I will have to investigate more. Maybe Red knows something.

Hey guys! Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. I just wanted to tell you guys that this is not real. I'm just making up this story because I don't have any new HSMTMTS content so don't take anything I write into real life and say these are facts! Bye more chapters tomorrow✌️!

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