Forgive & Forget

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Hey guys! I forgot to mention this in my other chapter but Joshua Bassett's new song Anyone Else was AMAZING! I would love to hear what you guys think if you listened to it! Anyways on to the chapter!💕

(General POV)

[They both woke up when their alarms went off. They both got up very tired because it was 4:00 a.m. but they needed to get ready to go so they did. They called an Uber and it took them to the airport. Their flight was at 7:00 so they had enough time to check in with the flight and eat breakfast.]

Ricky- I'm so tired but I'm excited and sad to go back home.

Nini- Why sad?

Ricky- Cause I don't want to have Carlos yell at me again or homework!

Nini- Well if we stay here longer Carlos will yell at us even more so don't be sad and homework is only a little of the day and we will do it together!

Ricky- Ok sounds good!

Nini- Where do you want to get breakfast from?

Ricky- I mean there's no breakfast places except for Starbucks unless you want KFC for breakfast!

Nini- Starbucks it is!

Ricky- Yup!

[They got their food and made their way back to their gate] 

Nini- I'm so excited to see the theater gang again I miss them!

Ricky- Yeah we should have a hangout when we get back so we can see them!

Nini- Yeah but when we get back let's rest we can do it tomorrow! 

Ricky- Yeah!

[They got on the plane and made it back to Salt Lake City. They called their parents cause they were going to pick them up. Momma C says she was stuck at work so just have Mike take her home.]

Nini- My mom said for your dad to take me home because she's stuck at work.

Ricky- Ok but you can just come back to my house to chill and then go home when she's home.

Nini- Ok yeah let me text her!

(Don't worry about the time I couldn't change it)

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(Don't worry about the time I couldn't change it)

Nini- She said it's better for me to head home to unpack but you can come or I can go over after.

Ricky- Oh ok. I mean we were with each other non-stop for three days so I guess you're sick of me!

Nini- I could never get sick of you!

Mike- Ricky! Nini! It's nice to have you home!

Ricky- Dad!{He walks up to him and hugs him. Mike then goes and hugs Nini}

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