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Hey guys! Today was my last day of school! I'm finally done and on to high school! Anyways comment and vote! On to the story!

(General POV)

Ricky- These are for you your highness!{He says while bowing and giving her the flowers}

Nini- Why thank you kind sir! {She takes the flowers and curtsies}

Kourt- Ok royals go have fun but not too much!

Nini- Ok mom!

Ricky- Shall we?

Nini- We shall {She takes his hand and they walk to the car}

Ricky- You excited?

Nini- I'm always excited for our dates! I just don't know where we are going but I'm guessing somewhere fancy!

Ricky- Wow you're smart!

Nini- Yeah I know!

Ricky- Hmm confident much!

Nini- Absolutely not!

Ricky- Why baby? You should be the most confident because you are beautiful and the best girlfriend ever!

Nini- Ok ok thank you bubs! How about some music?

Ricky- Whatever you want!

Nini- Ok Taylor it is!

~~One car ride later~~

Ricky- Ok we're here!

Nini- We're having our date at Cocotte! This is the fanciest restaurant in Salt Lake!

Ricky- Anything for my love!

Nini- Ricky this place is really expensive at least let me help with the bill!

Ricky- No I'm taking you on this date so I pay!

Nini- But Ric-

Ricky- No butts except yours out of the car!

Nini- {Laughs} Ok funny boy!

Ricky- I think you mean funny man!

Nini- No funny boy!

Ricky- {Fake gasps and put his hand over his heart} I'm hurt!

Nini- You know I love you!

Ricky- Yeah I do! Now come on our reservation is in a minute!

Nini- OK ok I'm getting out!

[They walk into the very fancy restaurant and look around to see gold decor and a beautiful chandelier}

Nini- Omg this place is beautiful!

Ricky- Just like you!

Nini- Why are you so flirty today? What do you have planned?

Ricky- Oh nothing I just want to appreciate my beautiful girlfriend!

Nini- Hey I'm not stopping you!

Ricky- {He walks up to the podium} Hi Bowen table for two!

Host- Yes right this way!

[Ricky grabs her hand and follows the host]

Host- Here you are!

Nini- Thank you!

[They sit down in their chairs and talk and eat for an hour]

Ricky- I want to give you something!

Nini- What do you mean? We were supposed to get each other gifts?!?!

Ricky- No no I just wanted to give you something!

(Ricky's POV)

I'm so nervous! What if she doesn't like it! What if she doesn't want it and she leaves me!! Oh god!! I'm rambling she loves me I love her it will be fine!

(General POV)

Ricky- Nini when we first met I felt this instant spark and I knew that I liked you! We connected almost immediately and I knew from the second we kissed that I loved you! I know we are still in high school and I'm not asking you to marry me but I'm just asking that you promise to stay with me! Even if we are not together and god do I hope we stay together but I know that I can't get through life without you! Right when you spoke my life was complete and maybe it's too soon and if you want to take this slow I'm fine with that but I give you this ring on a necklace because I know you don't like rings as a sign to show you that I won't leave and if you take it you are promising that you won't leave! So will you take it?

(Nini's POV)

Right when Ricky started talking I started crying! This boy has such a way with words and he talks right to my heart!

(General POV)

Ricky- Nini you ok? You're crying.

Nini- Yeah yeah I'm sorry of course I'll take it! I love you so much! I knew from the moment you bumped into me that I would love you! I will never leave you no matter what! You are my whole world and I'm not planning on leaving you anytime soon!

Ricky- Come here and let me put the necklace on you!

Nini- {She gets up and Ricky puts her necklace on she turns to face Ricky} I love you so much bubba!

Ricky- Me too! 

Nini- Just letting you know! I think we are going to last. Who knows maybe the next time you do this it will be an engagement ring?

Ricky- Ok slow your roll missy!

Nini- Yeah yeah I love you!

Ricky- I love you too!

Hey guys!! This was a very heartfelt chapter!! Hope you guys enjoyed!💕✌️

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