First Date

622 13 3

Hey guys sorry for not updating during the weekend! I think I'm going to just update on weekdays and maybe weekends sometimes if I want to! Enjoy the chapter💕!

(General POV)

Nini- So what do you have planned?

Ricky- No no no you are not getting anything out of me

Nini- Pweaseeeeeeeeeee {She says with puppy dog eyes}

Ricky- Don't do that face I can't say no to it.

Nini- You shouldn't look either way keep you eyes on the road!!

Ricky- I amm

Nini- Yeah yeah just don't crash I don't want to die on the first date!

Ricky- Did I tell you that you look stunning? Because if I didn't you look beautiful!

Nini- Stopp {Her face is all red now}

Ricky- You're lucky you just moved here and you don't know the area because I would've had to put a blindfold!

Nini- Noooo that would ruin my makeup!

Ricky- {Laughs} Ok we're here stay there and I'll come get you

Nini- Ok

(Nini's POV)

I wonder what he has planned, I mean it looks like we are at a park so maybe it's like a picnic!

(General POV)

Ricky- Ok close your eyes and I'll take you to the spot!

Nini- I'm scared what if I fall?

Ricky- If you do I'm right here to catch you!

Nini- Thank you! {She says in a cute baby voice}

Ricky- Ok open!

(Nini's POV)

He tells me to open my eyes so I do. OMG IT"S BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! I'm speechless and I can tell that Ricky is looking at my face trying to read my eyes and know what I'm feeling! Instead of saying something I just connect our lips!

(Ricky's POV)

Right when she opens her eyes she looks absolutely amazed! But she kinda stays there for a little and I'm trying to read her face to find something to tell me what she's feeling but she does something and it's like I had just finished a book and I know everything.

(General POV)

(A/N I'm going do a little narration every once in a while so that will look like this [text here] 💕)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

[There lips immediately connect and it's like they hadn't seen each other in years. It felt like the first time they had kissed]

Nini- Ricky this is incredible! Is this the spot you were talking about during 20 questions?

Ricky- Yeah! You said I should take you here one time so I though now is the perfect time!

Nini- I love it so much!!

Ricky- Good because we are going to get comfortable and watch Beauty and the Beast since it's your favorite and I've never watched the whole thing!

Nini- OMG this date just keeps getting better! Thank you Ricky! {They are now inches apart} This is my first date ever and I'm incredibly glad it's with you!

Ricky- *Our faces are inches apart and I start to lean in when I get interrupted*

Nini- No time for kissing we have a movie to watch{She says while skipping away and landing on one the beanbags that were there}

Ricky- Hey that's not nice you're a meanie!

Nini- Oh come on you know you like me! {She says while taking her shoes off and getting comfy}

Ricky- Yeah you're right {He goes and sits next to her and she cuddles into him}

Nini- Is it ok if I sit like this?

Ricky- Of course why do you think I only put one chair!

Nini- Oooo you are a sneaky one Bowen!

Ricky- That I am Roberts! Ok let me connect the projector to my laptop and put the movie on and could you please get the snacks over there?

Nini- OMG YOU HAVE SNACKS!!!{She says while jumping out of the beanbag and going on the direction he pointed}

Ricky- Um yeah it wouldn't be a proper movie date without snacks!

Nini- POPCORN AND M&M'S Bowen you know me too well

Ricky- {Laughs} Yes yes I do! Come on I'm starting the movie!

Nini- I'm coming! {She says while running back with snacks in her hand}

~~ Some snacking, cuddling, and a movie later~~

Nini- Ok how did you like it was it not like really good?


Nini- I knew you would like it!

Ricky- Yeah you did? {He says while getting closer to her like he's going to kiss her but instead tickles her}

Nini- RICKY!!! STOPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!

Ricky- OK OK I'll stop we have to go to our next spot anyways

Nini- Wait there is more to this already amazing date?

Ricky- Yeah

Nini- Bowen you outdid yourself!

Ricky- We have no time for chit chat we have to gooo. {He says while he throws he on his shoulder and carries her to his car}

Nini- RICHARD!!!

Ricky- What NINA???

Nini- {She slaps his back not hard but he over reacts like the dramatic person he is}


Nini- maybe{She says very quietly}

Ricky- OHHH I'm going to get you so bad {He puts her down and she starts running around the parking lot but he catches her and starts tickling her}

Nini- OK OK I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you.

Ricky- Or really how are you goin- {He gets interrupted by her lips crashing into his and it takes him a second to respond but he does eventually}

Hey guys I hoped you like it! More tomorrow✌️💕!

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