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We were standing on top of a ledge that had a small waterfall rushing from it, there was a gentle river at the bottom, it was maybe a 6-foot drop. I looked over at Cooper who had a smile plastered onto his face, "Do you know where we are now?" he asked, "I can't believe I forgot about this place"

When we were little, Cooper's dad used to take us out here every summer. We would spend the day and normally camp for the night, once he and I were both able to drive we continued coming out here but we only spent the day.

Cooper set down the bag he had brought with him under a tree, he slid off his shoes and took off his shirt. I stayed where I was just taking it all in. The river looked turquoise, boldly flowing in the green of the forest. A gentle breeze came making the trees sway slightly to the left. The sunlight peaked in between the branches, it was beautiful.

My train of thought was broken when a pair of hands on my back pushed me forward before I knew it a rush of cold water consumed my body. I pushed myself up from underneath the water, Cooper was in a fit of laughter at the top, "You're so funny Cooper" "I am, I really am" he said in between breaths.

"Can you at least take my shit?" I asked treading water, "Throw it up" I slipped off all of my clothes leaving me in my bathing suit, one by one I threw it up to him. I hit him in the side of the head with one of my shoes, "Ow, bitch" "pussy".

He jumped in almost right next to me, making a big splash. When he emerged from underneath the water he pushed his shaggy blonde hair to the side so it wasn't in his eyes. "So what do you think?" Cooper asked, "of what? You're cannonball? 0 out of 10 your formation was awful-" he cut me off, "no stupid, of this surprise".

I laughed softly and smiled at him, "I couldn't ask for a better one", "don't get sappy on me" "You're the one who brought me here in the first place", he splashed me with the water, "Oh it's on bitch". We stayed in the water for a while just messing around like we used to back when things were simple.

Eventually, we got out and went back up to the top. Cooper had laid my stuff out in the sun so it had dried. We toweled off and left out stuff there, he said he had one more thing he wanted to show me. 

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