No, Not this!

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Varian's P.O.V.

The sun was at the top of the mountains, slowly starting to set. The sky was a beautiful shade of orange.

I was walking torwards home in old corona. I felt so good. I was able to make alot of progress today in the chamber. Going there always makes me feel better. Like it's my home.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw one of the villagers waving at me with a smile. It is a great feeling to be loved. I've never felt anything like this before!

Every one always found me way too weird and dangerous to talk to. So I was always alone.

But my dad was always there for me! He is a good father. But I always would jealous him. 'Couse he had all the village as friend and I had none.

But now it all had changed. I have alot of friends!

I found myself in our doorway.

" Hi, dad!"

Quirin turned and looked at me. He had a smile but I could tell it was forced. I started to worry.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing, son. Dinner is ready. Lets eat. You should be tired."He answered with another fake smile.

"Dad, I know something is wrong! You should tell me! I'm your son!"

With that his smile failed to hid the sadness in his eyes. That fog was visiable. I knew it's guilt!

I opened my mouth to say something about it, but he sighted and spoke up.

"Varian, there is something I want to tell you. It's important and you won't like it. So lets eat first."

I didn't said anything else and sat down. We ate in silence. It was awkward.

When we were finished and the dishes were washed, he sat down again and pointed to the chair infront of him for me to sit. He seemed uncomfortable and I didn't want to see him like this. He started.

"Varian, what I'm going to say is hard to take or be explained. So I'm going straight to the point."

I nodded, not knowing what to say.

He took a deep breath.

"I-I have a daughter."

I was stunned! My mind was shouting!

'What? When? How? Why didn't he told me something that important? Where is she? Why is he telling this now? Wait a sec! That means...'

"Tha-that m-means I, have a sister!"

I said with wide eyes and shocked voice. My jaw was dropped!

"N-no, Varian."

I was even more shocked. Fully confused.

'How is that possiable that my father has a daughter but I don't have a sister?'

I looked at him questioning.

The guilt was so visiable in his eyes. He looked scared and ashamed.

'What does that mean?'

Suddenly it hit me.

'No, nononononononoNO! It can't be it! No! Not this! Please! Tell me I'm wrong!'

My eyes was watering.

Quirin looked so ashamed.

"Varian, I-I'm n-not your father..."

I break.


You didn't expected me to be this evil, right? *Smirking evily*
Yup! I just ruined everything! Bye bye, happily ever after!
The next chapter will explain it.
Be ready to find out about secrets and lies!
Good bye!

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