What's wrong

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Galen's P.O.V.

I came out from her room. She surely was wierd. And their was more in her story, that was for sure.

If I want to help her, I have to know what had happened. I mean, besides physicall issues, she has tons of mentall issues aswell. And I knew where I had to look for answers.

I went out of the hospital and to the queens room.

When I reached there I knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

-"Come in."

It was queen's voice but it wasn't cheerful like always. It was understandable. She was worried.

I walked in and as I expected, there was king, queen and the engineer.

-"Your higness."

-"Pleas, I'm Rapunzel. Also Eugen and Varian. That would be fine."

-"Okay. I guess you know why I'm here."

-"It's Adrian, right?"

It was Varian. He seemed more upset than the others. But why?

-"Yes, it is. As you've seen, she has mentall issues aswell wich needs to be solved. And unlike of physicall wouds, I need to know exactly where they came from to help her."

They looked at each other and then at Varian. I think he plays a big part in this story. He nodded and then started with a sight.

-"Yes, Dr.Galen. You are right. We will tell you every thing we know but pleas don't tell any one else."

I nodded. Surely this wasn't the happiest story ever and they had the right to keep it quiet. At least for a while.

I sat down on the a chair as they told every thing. Varian was quiet most of it. He was obviously hurting, wich was understanable.

I didn't know Quirin much but it was still shocking for me. I could only imagine how it felt for Varian.

-"So she doesn't know?"

-"No. But we have to tell her as soon as possible!"

It was Rapunzel. Others nodded in agreement.

-"No way! I won't let you tell her now!"

They were shocked at my sudden out burst. Varian was the first to talk.

-"But why? She deserves to know!"

-"She is in a very bad condition. Medicine's effect is fading away aswell. You think she can handle it like this?"

They thought for a second and nodded. This time Eugene was the one to speak.

-"You are right. We'll tell her later. But now that you know about every thing, can you tell us why was she afraid?"

I thought for a minute before answering.

-"You said Jerico was a noble in saporia, right?"

They nodded again. These guys really like nodding!

-"And we know that her injuries are most likely made by him. So I think she is afraid of royals. She thinks you are going to hurt her."

-"That make sense but then shouldn't she be afraid of you too? I mean you are the royal doctor after all!"

It was Eugene. I get his point, but...

-"Well, I never mentioned that I'm the royal doctor. I just told her that I'm a doctor. So, no."

We stayed silent for a while before Varian break the silence.

-"Well, what should we do now? I mean, we have to help her and show her that we mean no hurm. She is my sister!"

Rapunzel spoke up but I was frowning. His last sentence...

-"I'm not sure. I think Galen should talk to her to see us and then we show her that we want to help?"

Eugene opened his mouth to talk but I intrupted him.



-"Youk know she is not your sister, right?"

He let out a groan and said.

-"Yes! I'm well aware! Adopted siblings! I know!"

-"No, Varian. I'm really sorry, but that isn't true either."

Now he was confused.

-"What do you mean?"

-"Look, Varian. To adopt some one, there are some rules. Some boring paper work and a permission from the rulers. Also a detection to know if they are a convenient family.

But your parents never did that. So you don't count as a family member. I'm so sorry Varian..."

He was shocked and hurt. It may not seems a big deal, but it is. In just a few days, he found out that the family he have fought for them so hard, wasn't his family. In any way. He must be under a lot of pressure.

Rapunzel hugged the boy and he hugged back with a sight. Eugene joined the hug aswell. At least his friends understand him.

I stood up and they broke up and looked at me.

-"Well, I think I have to go. You better get some rest, Varian. And it's okay to be mad at him. Also, where are you staying?"

-"I stay at my room in the castle."

-"Good. It's better this way for a while. Try to eas your mind. We will meet her later. Again, I'm sorry Varian. Good bye."

-"Good bye."

They said in unison. They cared for the boy so I wasn't worried so much about him. But how should I help her?


I really have nothing to say.
Just wish you a good day.

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