This is the story

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Rapunzel's P.O.V.

After eating the cupcakes, we had came to the hospital. Means 45 minutes ago. And Varian won't stop talking about alchemy!

It is Annoying!!

We were sitting on two wooden chair when Varian was standing next to Adrian talking unstopably about things that only those two understand. I am bored!

Suddenly Eugene stood up forcefully and knocked his hand on the table in front of us.

-"Enough with these nerdy alchemy nonesense!!"

We all looked at him shocked. He calmed down and continued.

-"Sorry. Look, goggles, I know you love alchemy and you can't control yourself some times, but for goodness's sake, stop! You've been talking for 2:15 and I'm amused that she is still interested!"

He kinda had a point...

A big point! I just told you that I'm bored!

Varian and Adrian looked down.


They both said in unison.

-"There's no need to be sorry. And Eugene, control yourself pleas."

Eugene nodded. Okay, so now is the time to bring some thing else up. And soon. I don't want to risk them talking about all those alchemy stuff again.

-"So, Adrian, is there any thing you want to talk about? Exept alchemy?"

She titled her head as a sign of 'no'. She has been doing okay but I'm still worried. There are two problem.

One, she doesn't talk. I mean, she some times say sorry (for small things) and she asked Varian to teach her alchemy but other than that she is completely silent.

Two, despite all of our effort, she hasn't smiled once. She seems easier around us now but is still nervous.

I looked at Varian and Eugene.

-"Any ideas?"

They looked deep in thoughts. I couldn't help but to laugh at their seriouse faces.

-"You don't want to find a way to save the world from destroying, guys! It's just a topic! But really, Eugene! You look more seriouse than when we wanted to fight Zhan Tiri!"

As we three were laughing, Adrian's head shot up. Her eyes widdened.

-"Fi-fight, wh-who?"

We stoped laughing and looked at her. Then looked at each other's eyes.Varian rubbed his neck as he said our thoughts out loud.

-"We haven't told her."

Eugene's face brightened up and he said.

-"I know! Since she is new and we have some really weird adventures, let's tell her the whole story!"

-"Good idea, Eugene!"

Varian seemed a bit uneasy. I placed my hand at his shoulder.

-"What's wrong, Varian?"

He leaned closer and whispered.

-"When, she hear the story, what will she thinks of me? Wouldn't she hate me?"

He still felt guilty about our whole ordeal after all these times?

Oh, Varian...

I whispered back.

-"No, Varian. I'm sure she won't hate you. You had lost your control but you turned back on the good side. Without you, the whole kingdom may have turned to red statues!"

He giggled a bit but still seemed nervous.

-"Don't worry, Varian. She is smart. She will understand."

He looked at me and nodded. I could tell he was still a bit worried but he will be fine.

-"So, who want to start?"

I asked looking at them. Of course, Eugene was the first to answer.

-"Since I was a story myself, I guess I have to start."

Classic Eugene. We nodded with a little smirk.

We all sat beside Adrian's bed.

Suddenly I remembered some thing and stood up.

-"Wait a second! I'll be back! Don't start any thing!"

I ran to my room and came back with my journal. Varian and Eugene smiled at me.

I handed the journal to Eugene and he started with a dramatic tone.

-"This is the story of how I died..."

Me and Varian face palmed in unison as Adrian titled her head to the right in confusetion and worry.

-"But don't worry! This is actully a very fun story! And it isn't even about me. It's the story of a girl named Rapunzel and it starts, with the sun..."

Adrian eyes sparkelled longing. Looks like she like the legends as well.


Hope you've enjoyed!
I think now the starts of the tangled makes more sense. I mean, they were telling the story but we never knew for whom. And I used it for myself!
Have a nice week!

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