Make your mind

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Varian's P.O.V.

I felt so sad and betrayed. A stinging sence in my heart. With every passing second, my sadness would be replace by anger. How could he?!

He lied to me my whole life?! I wasn't his son! That explained alot! Why I wasn't like him in any way!

I would always blame myself that I couldn't be like him. But it wasn't my fault! It was his!

He Never Told Me!

And he have a daughter? That he sent away? Because his wife died? It's nonesence!!

I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I would through up at any second! I have to leave or I'll do something that I'll regret.

I pushed the chair away as I stood up. He opened his mouth to tell something but I hold up my hand to shush him as I spoke in a low and angry tone.

-"Don't say anything. I need time. I have to go."

That was the most I could say. I started to walk out when he stood up.


I shouted louder than I expected.

I didn't look back and ran. Every thing after that is in a blure. I ran to the only place I could think of. To the castle.

I can't remember what happened in the way. I was crying unstopably. What do you expect? I just found out that my whole life was builed on a lie!

When I reached the castle, stan and pete was gaurding.

-"Hi, Varian! Why are you- oh what happened?"

-"I need to see the queen. Now."

I whispered. They exchainged a look and let me in. It was clear that I wasn't in the mood to explain.

I walked in. It was dark so Rapunzel must be in her room.

I walked through the hallways, despret to see a familliar face. Some one I can trust.

When I reached the room, I quickly opened the door. I saw Lance, Catalina, Angry, Eugene and finally Raps.

I closed the door behind me. At first they looked suprise but upon seing my tear stained face, a wortied look made it's way to thier face. Raps was the first to react. She rushed to me while asking.

-"Varian! What happened? Are you okay?"

When she reached me she hold my shoulders. I looked at her face and I suddenly couldn't take it anymore. I hugged her and sobbed in her shoulder.

She was shocked at first but then hugged back. Every one was around use now but I didn't care. I just wanted to get it out. After a few minutes, I stoped and got away from her.

-"V, what's wrong?"

It was Angry. I looked at them. These are my friends! I can trust them with it! They are the only people I can trust right now.


Eugene noticed it.

-"Quirin? It's not nice to call your father with his name."

I looked up at them.

-"That's just it! He is not my father!"


They all said in unison.

-"Kid, what are you talking about?"

Eugene asked shocked.

Raps slowly pushed me to sit on one of the couches. Then they sat around me and she spoke up.

-"Okay, Varian. Tell us what happened, okay?"

I nodded slowly and with a sight, I strated.

I told them everything. Everything he told me. About how they found me, about the girl, about what he have done, Everything!

Many expression on thier face. Disblife, shocked and even disgusted. They have the right to feel that way.

Raps came to me and hugged me again. I couldn't cry anymore so I just hugged back and let myself to drown in that comfort feeling. When we broke up, others had finally processed what I had said.

No one knew what to say. Neither did I. I just heared Eugene muttered under his breath.

-"How dare he?!"

Then finally, Lance broke the silence.

-"Welp, kid, welcome to the club."

We stared at him in confusion.

-"Wich club? What are you talking about?"

-"An orphange club, kinda. I am an orphange. Catalina and Agry had just been adopted, Eugene didn't know his family untill 8 month ago, Cassandra lived with his adopted father for most of her life and Rapunzel didn't know she wasn't with her family for 18 years. Now that I think about it, you two are the most alike."

Eugene shrugged and said.

-"He is kinda right. So, welcome."

I smiled alittle 'till I saw Rapunzel's face. She seemed scared.

-"Raps? What's wrong?"

-"Lance... Lance is right!"

-"We know that blondy."

Eugene said. Raps shot her head up.

-"No! I'm talking about the last part! That how mine and Varian's situations are alike!"


It was Catalina. Raps face palmed. Then started again.

-"If my situation is like Varian's, then cass's situation is like the girl's!"

I get it but others still seemed confused.

-"Oh, no..."

Eugene was frustrated.

-"Can you two explain this?"

Raps groaned but continiued any way.

-"Remember what happened when cass found out? So the same thing might happens if the girl find out!"


I corrected. They got it, finally.

Eugene was the first to speak.

-"So, what should we do?"

I looked at them determind. Raps looked at me and got what I ment. She smiled, get my hand in hers and then looked at the others.

-"We should find Adrian!"


Hello again!
Sorry if this chapter was really bad. Today I finished my last exame and now I'm done with school! Yay! So I just wanted to celebrate it with this chapter.
I just wrote it here and since it wasn't planed, I just went by the flow. I hope you've liked it!
Thanks for all of your support! Bye!

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